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In 1698, Professor of Law, Johan Klein from the University of Rostock (East Germany) was described the second case of the virgin birth after Jesus Christ.
Cases of the Immaculate Conception are not so few
A noble lady by the name of Marie de Montdelon, who wanted to confirm the inheritance rights of her little son. Female claimed that she conceived this child in a dream, and in a dream to she was her husband. In reality this could not be so how Marie’s husband, a nobleman named Jerome Auguste de Mondelon, spent four years in distant lands and died before returning home. However, the widow insisted, contrary to the obvious, that her son must become the legal heir to his father …
At first, the court tried to reject such an unusual statement, however his decision was appealed to the Grenoble Parliament, as doctors and midwives have confirmed: such a conception during sleep does not just possible, but quite widespread.
And here is a case that relates to our time and is reflected in medical documents of the antenatal clinic located in North Moscow region.
… Olga L.’s family life ceased as a doctor made her a gynecological diagnosis, which is popularly the name “baby uterus”. With such a disease, a woman by definition, I could never become a mother. However after three months after her beloved husband left, twenty Olga learned from the local gynecologist … about her eight-week pregnancy. As the woman says, she had a dream in which the returned husband deeply repented, prayed for forgiveness and showered Olga caresses. During intimacy, she heard someone a voice whispering in her ear that today a woman conceived a son.
Time passed, Olga’s son was already three years old. She insists that the boy is an exact copy of his father. By the way, Olga’s runaway husband is not going to admit that he has taken on it’s not clear where the child is from.
Incubus – voluptuous fallen angel
And now the question naturally arises: where in such cases children are taken, and is it so rare, as we think?
A photo from open sources
It turns out that not only magic, but also the Church Fathers testify that the “culprit” of such conceptions actually exists. His the name – incubus – reflects the history of occurrence and status of this creatures. A very long time ago it was an angel, but later the incubus ended up in disfavor because of his inexhaustible attraction to the female sex. It is believed that demon spirits do not have their own bodies. For this reason they or materialize into the bodies of deceased people, or use temporary body abode. The most insidious of these spirits are embodied in really existing, living people – a husband who at this time missing, or another attractive man …
It was believed that the legendary wizard of magic and black magic Merlin was also the fruit of such copulation, which she did not deny his mother. The woman said that she was taken by force in an incubus.
Interestingly, with such close attention to voluptuous over the centuries, neither the Church nor magic found a worthy one, but the main thing is guaranteed protection from the incubus.
Nowadays, ufologists are collecting information on this topic. This is explained by the fact that incubuses today prefer to take the appearance of alien creatures, UFOnauts. For their purposes, they are 99 of 100 cases choose ladies who believe in space aliens and interested in all kinds of anomalous phenomena …
A photo from open sources
Angels Time