Eight ghosts appeared in Earth orbit

Researchers managed to photograph a mystical phenomenon in the ionosphere of our planet Eight ghosts appeared in the orbit of the EarthPhotos from open sources

It should not be, but there is

The rarest phenomenon was captured on August 12, 2013 a group of meteorologists from the University of Alaska Fairbanks), led by Jason Ahrns. They flew on airplane in the stormy sky of Nebraska in search of unusual lightning bolts. And they photographed something more interesting.

According to scientists, space lenses accidentally hit the lens ghosts – the so-called sprites – 8 pieces. Their red torches changing color to purple, lined up in a round dance and danced their mysterious dance.

The nature of sprites is still mysterious. More recently, they generally did not believe, although pilots from time to time reported on some bright elongated objects observed in the upper layers atmosphere. Scientists equated such evidence with messages. about UFOs.

The first evidence that ghosts really exist, not daydreaming appeared in the 1970s. And only in the beginning of this century, scientists managed to get images mysterious objects, which they called sprites.

Space ghosts lined up in a round dancePhotos from open sources of

Space ghosts lined up in a round dance Photo: University of Alaska Fairbanks

It turned out that sprites arise above 50 kilometers – in the near space where there are no thunderclouds. And it seems like nothing to sparkle must. However, it sparkles, testifying to a certain stormy life.

See the ghostly near-Earth inhabitants incredibly difficult – they are too swift. Are shown on thousandths of a second.

Almost “flying saucers”

Few years ago lucky the Americans all from the same University of Alaska. They aimed the camera at the sky, which did 10 thousand frames per second. And it allowed to consider previously hidden details of the phenomenon.

According to scientists, giant jets the size of dancing football field. First they fly vertically down, then up. Speed ​​- crazy – one tenth of the speed of light.

It looks like a sprite shot from a long distancePhoto from open sources

It looks like a sprite taken from a long distance Photo: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Managed to remove sprites and Israeli researchers from Tel Aviv university (Tel Aviv University in Israel). They are confirmed the presence of balls. But noticed another amazing feature of their behavior. Scientists have considered that balls are not just they jump about 15 kilometers, while lining up in a circle. It turns out a kind of round dance with a diameter of 50-70 kilometers.

– From a long distance this ghost dance is quite possible mistaken for a “flying saucer,” says a geophysicist from Tel Aviv Colin Price – It is possible that many observers, including astronauts and airplane pilots who reported on UFOs actually saw sprites.

Some sprites look likePhotos from open sources of

Some sprites look like flying saucers. Photo: Tel Aviv University

Price believes that the appearance in space of sprites is somehow still provoke earthly – “lower” thunderstorms.

– Perhaps lightning discharges excite an electric field in a space that is much higher, says the scientist.

– Until we remove the clots from close range and large plan, we don’t understand what it is, – Arns Nelson is sure. – And not let’s see to what extent sprites affect processes in the atmosphere, on the ozone layer, on the climate.

Scientists believe that influence must be.

Sometimes amateur photographers are lucky: these ghosts were filmed on August 15 in the sky over DenmarkA photo from open sources

Sometimes amateur photographers are lucky: these ghosts were removed 15 August in the sky over Denmark Photo: Jesper Grönne


See the ghost and die

Astronauts of the American shuttle Columbia, tragically burned during landing on February 1, 2003, also tried to shoot ghosts. One of them was discovered by specialists in the frames, transferred to Earth a few days before the disaster.

“Nobody has seen anything like it before,” says the manager. expert group Yoav Yair. – The object emitted powerful red light, shone for a split second and was located above Madagascar at an altitude of 150 kilometers. VLADIMIR LAGOVSKY

Time Aircraft

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