Ghosts live with people throughout human life. stories. They can be visible, audible, tangible, can talk, in their presence there are poltergeist phenomena. Sometimes ghosts are so believable that they can not be distinguished from living person. But where do they come from? What is their nature?
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The most common explanation for the nature of ghosts is given occultists. When a person dies, they believe, his soul, enclosed in an astral shell of thin, invisible to us matter, leaves mortal remains. For some time the soul is still in our world, dwelling among people. Then it is released from the shell, becomes pure spirit and retires to the “high heights” (space, parallel world).
And the “clothes” discarded by the soul continue to exist in the form a certain “zombie”. And some of them can live enough long, fueled by the psycho-energy of people. Pretty strong psycho-energy is secreted by mediums in spiritualistic sessions, thanks to why do these “zombies” get the opportunity to get in touch with present at the sessions. And people take shells for real souls of the dead, while these are not souls, but only their pale shadows.
Proof of this are the answers of these shadows, almost always deceitful and stupid. And they come to spirits solely for to profit from psycho-energy. Believe the predictions of the empty shells deprived of the soul is impossible: they don’t know anything about the future. The maximum that shadows can tell is some information about the past.
British occultist C. Leadbeater, who lived at the beginning of the XX century (his the book “Astral Plan” was published in Russia in 1909), argued that some people are able to create their own astral doubles (that is, in fact, ghosts). These astral doubles continue to live an independent life, “feeding” on the fear that people emit when they appear. About, that human fear is a life-giving force for ghosts, long before Leadbeater, the mystics of ancient Greece and India spoke. It was thanks to the horror inspired by people, they believed, disembodied creatures are able to live for tens and even hundreds of years.
This old hunch seems to find confirmation in studies of modern scientists trying to explain the origin of ghosts.
Of the various hypotheses, the most holistic hypothesis is Professor A.F. Ohatrina, who, developing famous in physics ideas about superweak interactions, created a theory hypothetical particles – microleptons. Ohatrin believed that it was from them invisible entities or ghosts are formed.
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He created a photoelectronic device capable of fixing microlepton radiation and translate them into the optical range, allowed to look into the ghostly world of other creatures. When is someone from being in the room mentally painted an image of some of a person, the microlepton cluster was separated from the aura of the “donor” (clot, cluster) imitating the presented image, and apparatus fixed it. This humanoid cluster, or thoughtform, was able to move independently, that is, had a “momentum own independent being. ”
He carried out experiments on creating thought forms in his laboratory and Professor A.V. Chernetsky, only he fixed them with electrostatic sensor. Similar images, the presence of which confirmed the device, it could also be mentally destroyed, and the sensor immediately ceased to “notice” them.
All this allows us to assume that in the power of man to create and thought forms of a more complex plan. A mental impulse aimed at the formation of such complex images should be stronger and, as It seems to have a slightly different property. Similar impulses leading to the creation of humanoid figures visible by people are capable of reproduce psychics and magicians.
Researcher A. David-Neal in the book “Mystics and Mages of Tibet” talks about his encounters with astral beings, generated by Tibetan lamas. Sometimes, very rarely, like entities can be created by ordinary people, but it happens unconsciously, more often in some stressful situations.
In the 2000s, the English photographer Hartwood was engaged photographing critters (critters) – clots invisible to people, discovered in the 80s of the XX century by the Italian Boccone. These clots having the most diverse, often grotesque forms, live like clusters of Professor Okhatrin, quite independent, clearly conscious life. Once in the room where Hartwood was photographing, the lamp exploded, greatly scaring those present.
Pictures taken after this revealed sharper contours critters, many of them increased in size, changed shape, made brighter. The photographer first attributed this to the aftermath of the explosion. lamps, but when he started to make explosions on purpose, like the effect did not work. Hartwood eventually realized that the impact on critters was not a lamp, but a surge of emotions those present. According to him, in a moment of fright, people emit some impulses, or radiation, that can affect the invisible critters.
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Hartwood’s guess is in a curious way consistent with the conclusions Chernetsky and other researchers who studied and photographing a person’s aura and the vibes emanating from it (possibly of a microlepton nature). All enthusiasts unanimous in opinion: the aura of a person changes depending on his moods, as well as the nature of the radiation emitted by him. Studies say that the most powerful aura a person gives out precisely in moments of great excitement or fear. Is it about these radiations necessary for the life of ghosts, the ancients said mystics and leadbeater?
A confirmation of this energetic connection between people and haunted is the phenomenon of domestic poltergeist. Ghosts accompany him quite often. Sometimes they are fixed by devices: on the film shows shapes that are invisible to the simple eye; Recording equipment owned voices, murmurs, footsteps.
The hypothesis that the poltergeist is caused by ghosts is now most researchers accept, and many believe that these “poltergeist ghosts” are generated by the people themselves – participants in unusual events. In the role of “parent” usually acts someone from the inhabitants of a “bad” apartment or house. Most often it is child or teenager. As already noted, to generate strengths thoughtforms (ghosts, astral entities) a person must enter special mental state. Maybe some teens come in into it spontaneously, generating its own astral counterparts, who become the instigators of the poltergeist.
Astral counterparts are quite energetic, strong spirits, almost always humanoid. It is possible that they inherit some characteristic features of their “parents”, only coarsened and exaggerated. Having spirits begin to manifest signs of violence, require attention, for which they demonstrate absolutely incredible abilities. These demonstrations haunt only one goal: scare. Keep participants poltergeist events in constant fear. Human fear having quite the material basis is what interests these beings.
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Energetic substance secreted by frightened people for They are vital. They throw to the fridges, arrange in fires and showers in the rooms, break bricks from the walls. On all this it takes a lot of energy. Sometimes in order to extract it from people they have a direct mental effect on them. In these cases, as one researcher wrote, “they squeeze out people fear like water from a sponge. ”
Well-known specialist in abnormal phenomena I. Vinokurov in his the book “Horror” tells how he once spent the night in covered by poltergeist apartment. The feeling of the fittest causeless fear did not leave him all night. In some moment it grew into such panic horror that he could not move, not even breathe.
Feeding on fear is only necessary for the ghosts who live relatively long. Most ghosts only appear once, in order to fulfill some mission among the living. Such ghosts, as a rule, do not need additional energy. and meeting them is safe.
Igor Voloznev
Time Doubles Life Russia