Filmed the ghost of a small child – Dzasiki-Varashi

The ghost of a young child is filmed - Dzasiki-VarashiPhoto from open sources

The owner of a prosperous Japanese country house managed to rent the ghost of a small child, presumably Dzasiki-Varashi, because, according to Japanese beliefs, this is a small house is one of the kindest spirits bringing to the home where he dwells, happiness and well-being. House of the author of this video this is what distinguishes it.

In Japan, it is believed that Dzashiki-Varashi is not so easy lure into your house, this is not a Russian brownie who is ready to live in any village hut (and even a city apartment), if only he did not drive (did not scold). And shoot on a Dzasiki-Varashi camcorder, considered a rare success at all. It turns out that the owner of the mansion lucky.

On the video you can easily notice how a certain ghostly silhouette, clearly child appears on the left and smoothly moves to the burning fireplace, and then disappears for a while. Then the ghost again indicated, only now to the right of the burning hearth. It seems that she is a girl, and she is clearly attracted to the fire of the fireplace. It is possible that it was his heat that allowed her to manifest so clearly that her captured the camcorder. According to the author of the video, personally they didn’t see anything, only then he saw this ghost surveillance camera video footage. And immediately I realized – this Dzasiki-Varashi!

A photo from open sources

Dzasiki-Varashi is easy to offend and scare

It is believed that this mythical ghost of a little boy or girls love to live in old Japanese houses, for which the owners they are caring with all their heart, introducing a particle of their heart into them. Dzasiki-Varashi adds from himself to this concern not only material well-being of the family, but also real happiness. Exist even special techniques for attracting and retaining a small the ghost. However, the author of the video admitted that he never even I didn’t think about it, but now, when Dzasiki-Varashi appeared in his at home (at least made itself felt), the man promised thoroughly study this issue. He will try to take care of that the ghost in his home was comfortable to “live.”

They say that Dzasiki-Varashi is difficult not only to lure, but also to hold on because he does not tolerate a bad attitude towards himself, like, however, and excessive care. Here, as they say, you need to comply the golden mean. But the open foci in the house are small ghosts they just adore, they say that they often even walk around yet warm coals, leaving their tiny feet on ashes. Japanese admitted that he found the video too late with Dzasiki-Varashi, only on the third day, but now he is carefully applies to all that ghost likes. True traces his man did not find it, because he has an electric fireplace in his house.

By the way, we note that on October 5, 2009 in Kindaiti-onsen burned down the popular Japanese hotel “Recufuso”, famous just the presence in his building of a little ghost Dzasiki-Varashi. Than the hotel owners were angry with him; it’s unknown, however, psychics, who visited the ashes of the building, said that before the fire Dzasiki-Varashi left the hotel – and thereby caused trouble to him. So that the Japanese owner of the mansion in which the ghost was filmed little girl, you can simultaneously envy and at the same time to get scared for him. Now he needs to be doubly careful so as not to offend and frighten off Dzasiki-Varashi, so as not to cause trouble on yourself and your home.

Japan time

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