Folk omens and customs, conspiracies for November 30 (the day of memory of Gregory the Wonderworker)

Orthodox Christians all over the world celebrate the Day of Remembrance of St. Gregory the Wonderworker on November 30. The elder appeared in a pagan family, over time, in search of his true destiny, read the Gospels, and renounced his faith for the sake of serving the one above.

Relatives and friends turned away from the righteous Gregory because of his Orthodox views. The saint was ordained a bishop and lived to a ripe old age, carrying the word of God to Christians, helping the disadvantaged and the poor.

Folk omens and customs, conspiracies for November 30 (the day of memory of Gregory the Wonderworker)


According to popular beliefs, on November 30, it is customary to organize festivities and ride a sleigh down the mountain. People believe that if on this day the sleigh rolls away from the hill, the winter will be long and snowy, which is favorable for the future harvest. During the festivities, there is a tradition of tumbling in the snow.

Usually it was snowing a lot by November 30th, so people started sledding. Young boys 'urge winter to linger' tumbling in the snow, while girls organize round dances and sing folk songs. People believe that somersaults give health and strength to the body, so the male population participates in snow somersaults.

On November 30, people 'listen' to the water in the well. You need to go to the well, bend over and listen, if you hear a quiet murmur, it will be a warm winter. The loud noise of a well spring predicts a harsh and cold winter.

Folk omens and customs, conspiracies for November 30 (the day of memory of Gregory the Wonderworker)

The day is not good for talking to bad neighbors or people with bad language. Therefore, on November 30, they try not to communicate with foul-mouthed people and not listen to the news.

In the evening, unmarried ladies guess at their betrothed. Girls invite the groom to visit them in a dream or diligently memorize dreams in order to interpret their future fate.

On November 30, you cannot measure or put on other people's things and jewelry. It is believed that picking up someone else's thing, you can take the bad from the fate of its owner.

The number three on November 30 is considered fatal, so everything that the three is associated with brings good luck and prosperity on this day.


According to weather signs, winter weather was predicted for November 30, therefore, the people called the day of St. Gregory the winter indication. There is a popular superstition – what day until noon – the same will be the first half of winter. The day from noon to evening indicates the weather of the second half.

  1. according to popular beliefs, what is the weather on November 30 – wait for such winter;
  2. darkening of river ice – to a good harvest of winter crops;
  3. there is a new moon in the sky – signs promise frost;
  4. mice build a nest in flax – to snowfalls;
  5. according to signs, if a hare in the forest has completely faded, it will soon be cold and cold;
  6. you cannot try on someone else's jewelry on Gregory – you can take away the bad fate of the owner;
  7. good weather for the autumn St. Gregory the Wonderworker predicts a non-severe winter;
  8. cloudy on Gregory – signs predict a cold winter;
  9. frosty on November 30 – it will be cold in winter;
  10. according to folk signs, if before noon there are clouds in the sky, and after that the sun is clear and shining, the coming winter will be soft and warm;
  11. a circle of light clouds around the moon – to a change in weather;
  12. on November 30, dreams are prophetic and predict fate;
  13. the gossip heard about Gregory is empty;
  14. November 30 frosts and evil spirits are terrifying;
  15. in the morning the north wind is blowing – signs warn of an approaching cold.

Interpretation of dreams on November 30

People attach great importance to the interpretation of the dream on November 30, because the dream images on Gregory are prophetic. If you have a bad dream, you need to get up in the morning and say 'Our Father' three times. Dreams on the 30th day do not carry a literal interpretation, they mark the psychological problem of the hidden consciousness of a person.

  • To see a fruitful tree in a dream – to success and prosperity in work matters.
  • Plucking a fruit from a tree means setting yourself an elusive goal.
  • For single and unmarried people, to see a fruiting tree in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage.
  • A dead bush or tree warns of serious health problems.
  • A dreamed obese pet judges financial gain.
  • If you slaughter an animal in a dream, they are trying to attract you to fraud by deceit.
  • If you buy a pet in a dream, your life plans will soon come true in reality.
  • Quarreling with someone in a dream – in reality expect trouble from this person.
  • I dreamed of an acquaintance – a situation will soon happen, because of which you will lose money, and he will gain it.


Agate is considered the talisman of the day. The stone is able to cleanse the owner's energy aura, endows him with mental and analytical abilities, protects from external negativity and stabilizes internal well-being.

Lost property conspiracies

On November 30, a conspiracy read about a lost thing will help you quickly find it. It is necessary to stand before the threshold and ask the evil spirits to return the lost good. At the same time, pronounce the words of an appeal to God for help in returning things from the hands of an unclean person. At the end of the petition, say 'Amen' and cross yourself.

Thief, devil, joker, stop joking, Let me find (this and that).
Deal for deed, word for word,
Come true what you said.
Let me, Lord, find what I have lost.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

It is believed that a conspiracy helps to quickly remember where and under what conditions the thing was lost.

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