Folk omens and customs for November 15 – Granary

Folk omens and customs on November 15

Orthodox date November 15 is called the Breadbasket. From that day on, according to the popular calendar, it is believed that winter comes into force – the day becomes shorter and the night is longer. From that day on, the street chores of the household are transferred to the house.

The Orthodox Church November 15 marks the day of remembrance of several thousand saints who were martyred for the Christian faith. In memory of them on November 15, a prayer service is held in the church, an appeal to the great martyrs about their courage and steadfastness in the faith.

The people believe that the great martyrs patronize hardworking and kind owners.

It is believed that turning to the saints will help protect the house from evil spirits and natural disaster. Housewives often turn to them with petitions to divert danger from the house.

On November 15, people predict the weather for the beginning of winter.

signs and customs for November 15


On this day, it is customary to finish field work and transfer household chores to the house.

  1. Men thresh the sheaves and dry the grain in the barn. Women crush flax and hemp. The peasants believed that if the barns were full of grain in the granary, then the next year would be successful for sowing. To dry the grain, a fire is made in the barn. To avoid a fire, people pray to the patron saints and ask to save the harvest from harm.
  2. On November 15, it is customary to appease the barn – a good spirit who lives in the entryway and bins and helps good owners. It is believed that the barn steals grain and burns sheaves, for those who are not kind to him. Therefore, on this day, the owner of the house took a pie, a glass of vodka, a rooster and left the barn as an offering.
  3. On November 15 in the evening they burn firewood and gather with the whole family. On this day, it is customary to tell entertaining stories in front of the family hearth.
  4. In the evening, unmarried girls are wondering at the stove fire about their betrothed or further fate.

customs on November 15


According to folk signs, the weather, family well-being and personal luck are determined on November 15.

  • the wish made for the granary will come true in the near future;
  • omens promise, if you ask for forgiveness from the one whom you offended before sunset – life will become easier and calmer;
  • bought clothes that day – you will walk in them for a long time;
  • if the granary falls on Tuesday, according to superstition, you cannot repay the debt on this day, otherwise money will not be found;
  • if an unmarried girl suddenly has a strong heartbeat, the omen says that her betrothed is nearby.

Weather signs November 15

  • a lot of snow on the granary – to the spring high water;
  • there are many bullfinches – to imminent frosts;
  • there is dirt on the roads – a sign promises warmth until the beginning of December;
  • birds fly low in the yard – to heavy snowfall;
  • clouds covered the sky – to warmth;
  • clouds float against the wind – a sign predicts snowfall;
  • fog in the evening – expect the wind;
  • to collect a few cedar cones – by a warm winter.

Superstitious peasants believed that mythical beings lived next to them that helped in the economy, if they were appeased and honored. Therefore, on November 15, the owners of the house hold traditional rituals to attract the grace of brownies and sheepskins.

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