Folk omens and customs on November 27 (Philip's day)

On the date of November 27, which is popularly called Filippov's Day, there is a spell on the Nativity Fast. Traditions are dedicated to this day, the observance of which promises happiness and prosperity. On November 27, folk signs tell about the upcoming weather and the future harvest.

Folk omens and customs on November 27 (Philip's day)

The customs and traditions of the Philip day

On the night of November 27, the owner must treat the spirit that protects pets. They took food for the brownie from the table and carried it out of the hut, while reading the conspiracy: 'Father Brownie, try my treat, and for this give me a blessing – to live in goodness and wealth.' Returning to the house, one should bow in all corners and drink a glass. At the same time, the remnants of the dinner were kept – in the morning on the way to church, food was given to those in need.

On the day of St. Philip, women harvest a tow – hemp or linen. Hence the popular name – Kudelitsa. The material, which had to be carefully cleaned from the fire, was intended for spinning.

On November 27, weddings were no longer celebrated. Unmarried girls attended church, where they read a prayer in which they asked the Lord to meet the betrothed. And in the evenings they gathered in one of the houses and wondered. Anyone who wanted to see the groom in a dream secretly took a piece of beef from the table and put it under the pillow.

In the spell – the last day before the Nativity Fast – a sumptuous table is always set according to custom. As a rule, the older generation rested on November 27, while the young did household chores. Sons, daughters and grandchildren prepared meals and welcomed guests.

Homemade sausages and dumplings with pork are considered traditional dishes for Filippov's day.

The dumplings are intended not only for treats, but also for a kind of fortune-telling – the prediction depended on the filling found:

  • got a peppery dumpling – to trouble;
  • sweet – for a love adventure;
  • salty – to tears;
  • mint – promised peace;
  • with dill – jealousy;
  • with parsley – empty chores.

Folk omens and customs on November 27 (Philip's day)

Signs on Philippov day

  1. If the day of November 27 turned out to be clear, signs say that you can not count on a good harvest.
  2. It is snowing – long rains are expected in May.
  3. You can hear the crows croaking – omens promise a thaw.
  4. The trees are shrouded in frost – next year will be fruitful.
  5. According to signs, if sparrows are chirping, the weather will soon change.
  6. It is raining – signs promise a rich wheat harvest.
  7. According to popular beliefs, if the reservoirs on Kudelitsa are covered with frost, expect an abundance of fish.
  8. A cat is washing too long in a house where an unmarried girl or an unmarried man lives – a wedding will take place. For other signs about cats, see How animals predict the weather.

Folk omens and customs on November 27 (Philip's day)

Protective doll Filippovka

Filippovka was a kind of amulet for a woman and promised happiness. These dolls were made independently on Kudelitsa – only in this way Filippovka could fulfill its direct purpose. She had six hands, with which she turned hard work into pleasure and at the same time protected the fingers of needlewomen from injury. The hostesses believed that with the help of Filippovka they would cope with business faster and easier, and their house would be filled with joy, happiness and comfort.

If a girl got married recently, then her mother made a doll for her. Together with this amulet, she passed on to her daughter the ability to manage affairs, so that she had time to take care of her husband.

For Filippovka to help, they did not make faces to her. The doll had flaxen hair, which symbolized pure thoughts. It was believed that they are able to protect the hostess from the tricks of envious people. The head was decorated with a flower wreath so that the woman would bloom and not worry about anything.

They dressed Filippovka in a red sundress with a pocket on its chest. A coin was placed in it, which became a guarantee of thrift and prosperity in the house.

Filippovka was put on the oven. Children were not given it. This doll was revered and cherished: they took care, combed her hair and spoke kindly so that she would bring exclusively good to the house.

Folk omens and customs on November 27 (Philip's day)

Interpretation of dreams on November 27

The dream on Kudelitsa speaks of immoderation. Pay attention to situations in which you allow yourself too much. At the same time, such dreams report the presence or absence of changes in the spiritual plane.

It's time to analyze the behavior and events taking place in your life. And if you listen to your intuition, it will help you find a solution to a particular situation.

Dreams related to the road are a good omen, while heavy dreams will indicate health problems. If you dreamed that you were crying, this speaks of the cleansing of the soul.

November 27 is the last day before the Nativity Fast and the day of the real deafness. Today is the beginning of the so-called wolf month, when predators gather in packs and therefore become more daring. The wolf can attack a lonely passer-by or wander into the yard and hide there, waiting for the owner.

And people also say that on November 27, the evil spirits walk around the world for the last time and that night they hide underground, where they will stay until the beginning of Christmas.

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