Folk omens for December 19 – St. Nicholas Day

Folk omens for December 19

On December 19, Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, after which a string of New Year and Christmas festivities begins.

According to the signs of Nicholas the Wonderworker, on December 19, believers determine the further weather for the winter – the people say that the frost grows stronger on the saint. In addition to signs, December 19 is considered a good day for conspiracies and rituals for a happy marriage and family life, for prosperity and fulfillment of desires, for healing from illness and protection from adversity.


The customs of the holiday include signs, the validity of which has been tested for centuries.

There is an ancient omen – on December 19 to give gifts to children. For those who have not indulged in for a year and obeyed their parents, the saint brings sweets and sweets under the pillow in the morning.

December 19 is considered a special holiday among Christians. There is a sign – if you work or sew, wash, then the saint will not give the family a blessing.

customs on December 19

On the morning of December 19, a prayer service began in Orthodox churches. After the service, believers come home and prepare a festive table. According to signs, on a holiday you cannot be sad, otherwise human sorrow will lead to severe frosts. The celebration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated with folk festivals and a fair. After December 19, the Christmas fast begins – you cannot eat animal foods, for example, meat and eggs.

There is a sign that on December 19, the Miracle Worker goes home and punishes the offenders. Therefore, in the morning it is customary to ask forgiveness for the wrongs from relatives and neighbors.

According to marriage signs, on December 19, the prayers of lonely parishioners to the saint will be heard and a second half will soon be found. Therefore, on the holiday, the girls arrange fortune-telling for the groom, put a candle in front of the image and ask for help in finding the betrothed.

The arrival of the saint the Wonderworker means the beginning of the time of matchmaking and marriages. It is believed that a marriage blessed with the face of a saint will be happy and long.

On December 19, according to signs, a woman is forbidden to leave the house for household needs. It is believed that only on December 19, she can 'take out' wealth and well-being from home.

There is a sign that in order to scare away evil spirits from the house, the owner must go around the house three times. It is believed that when he goes around the house, the saint accompanies him.

The arrival of the saint the Wonderworker means the beginning of the time of matchmaking and marriages


Signs for December 19, the day of Nicholas the Winter, originate from many years of observations and superstitions of the Russian Orthodox people.

  1. if there is frost in the morning, expect a good harvest of oats;
  2. the sun is shining and a frosty day – next year promises a good harvest;
  3. by the amount of snow that fell on December 19, the amount of grass in spring is determined;
  4. if the weather is severe on December 19, there will be a thaw until Spiridon (December 25);
  5. a rich guest on the doorstep – luck in the house, a poor guest on the doorstep – unfortunately;
  6. matchmakers came in December – wait for family paradise;
  7. in December, do not ask and do not lend money – you will be poor;
  8. there is a lot of snow or precipitation on this day – there will be a rainy spring;
  9. The miracle worker brought frosts – for a hot summer;
  10. the winter plays on the Wonderworker.


Conspiracies for the nineteenth are carried out at home, reading a prayer in front of the home icon of the saint. Purchase the required number of candles from the church for the ritual.

Joint pain conspiracy

Light a candle from the church in front of the holy face of the saint. First read the prayer before the image, then pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

Folk omens for December 19 - St. Nicholas Day

Complete the conspiracy for joint pain by repeating the prayer to the image of the saint.

Joint pain conspiracy

Fear conspiracy

At noon on December 19, put a church candle in front of the holy image of the saint and light it. While the candle is burning, pronounce the words of the conspiracy several times, slowly and clearly pronouncing each word.

Folk omens for December 19 - St. Nicholas Day

A conspiracy to prevent the child from falling into bad company

A conspiracy for a prosperous fate is read in front of the head of the bed over a sleeping child. Before the ritual, pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a lighted candle in your hands. After the words of the conspiracy, read the prayer 'May God rise again' over the child three times and be baptized.

Folk omens for December 19 - St. Nicholas Day

Conspiracy to cleanse the body

If a person becomes restless, tired and suffers from insomnia, he needs to make a conspiracy to cleanse the body on Nikolaev day.

For the ceremony, light a church candle near the image of St. Nicholas. Read the prayer, looking at the face, without being distracted by extraneous sounds.

Folk omens for December 19 - St. Nicholas Day

Then perform 7-fold contrast ablution. For a woman, start a shower with hot water, for a man – with cold water. The last bath, looking at the flowing water, say a request to the water so that it wash away the hardships and troubles. Then read 'Our Father' three times.


Nikolaev day is famous among Christians as miraculous. Therefore, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, ceremonies are held to attract wealth and family well-being to the house.

Rite of passage for wealth on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

On this day, in the morning, put an empty wallet in a prominent place. It is believed that when a saint comes to the house, he will see that the owner of the house is poor and will help. Sometimes believers hang a sign on the house with the inscription 'Nothing is missing' in order to quickly convey the request to the Miracle Worker.

Rite of passage for wealth on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

A rite of passage

For the ritual, take the home icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and 40 candles bought in the church. The ceremony begins with alternately lighting candles in a circle in front of the icon on the table. When the candles are burning, pronounce the words of petition to Nicholas clearly, without being distracted or taking your eyes off the holy face.

It is important to know that you cannot ask for personal material enrichment in a secret desire. The saint helps those who are in need, and not those who already have.

Divination by the betrothed

On this day, unmarried girls conduct a fortune-telling ceremony for the groom. For the ritual, a boot is taken and thrown over his shoulder. Where the toe of the shoe points, the groom will be from there. And if the boot falls far from the gate, it means that the betrothed from the distant lands will arrive.

On the night of Nicholas, prophetic dreams are dreamed. Unmarried girls put a comb under the pillow and ask the betrothed to come and comb their hair before going to bed.

To find out if a girl will meet her betrothed in the coming year, unmarried ladies put a cherry branch in the water. By the sign, if the branch blooms for Easter, there will soon be a betrothed.

Saved words in transit

As a rule, before setting off on a long journey, conduct a ritual of parting words on the road. It is believed that after reading the preserved conspiracy to St. Nicholas, the one who asks receives the saint's blessing for a successful and easy journey.

Folk omens for December 19 - St. Nicholas Day

During his lifetime, the elder was considered the patron saint of the disadvantaged and oppressed. On December 19, the saint is especially close to believers and accepts appeals from those who ask.

Folk traditions and signs for December 19 have been determined for centuries from observing the weather and events of that day by believers. Ascending prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker helps people to receive God's support and help from illness or life's troubles, protection from encroachments and offenses. In prayers to the saint, they ask for intercession and blessing.

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