Folk omens for December 5 – Procopius Day

On December 5, Christians honor the memory of Procopius the Reader from a Jerusalem family. He served in the Caesarean church as a reader, translated the Word of God into the Syrian language, and healed people who were possessed by demons. The elder had the gift of healing seriously ill people and was a soothsayer.

signs on December 5

On pain of death, he refused to renounce faith in the Lord, for which he was executed. On the territory where the martyr Procopius is buried, a church was erected and named in his honor. Today, the monastery of St. Modest is built over the elder's grave. Every year thousands of people come to this place to ask Procopius for spiritual or physical healing.

According to signs, on Prokopyev's day, December 5, winter weather is determined and prayers in church for spiritual or physical healing.


Toboggans are being installed on Procopius. According to popular belief, the patron saint of the day, Procopius, symbolizes 'digging', that is, the orientation and arrangement of roads on the ground. Therefore, on this day, folk fairs are organized, where sleds are repaired and made in order to ride them along new roads.

Road markings (milestones) are installed on Prokopia to indicate the way. These are wooden stakes, wrapped in rags or tow with straw, serving as a guide for lost travelers. The population is engaged in the construction of roads, setting landmarks in the ice.

At the end of the road work, a celebration is held with general food and festivities. In the evening, young people play snowballs and ask riddles.

On December 5, on Prokopy, men arrange fraternities, where they brew beer and tell fantastic stories.

On this day in the morning, the mistress of the house goes to the forest for an efilia. This is a herb that grows in a snowy forest and, according to popular superstition, has the magical power of healing from diseases. It is believed that efilia helps children grow up, so it is brewed like tea and given to the younger family members to drink.

folk signs on December 5


According to folk signs, on December 5, they look what the coming winter will be this year.

  • if there is a thaw on Prokop, expect a long winter with frequent snowfalls;
  • soot flares up in the fire – signs promise cloudy and snowy weather;
  • if the wolves come out of the forest and walk near the settlement, there is a harsh and prolonged winter ahead;
  • in the hole the water level is above the ice – according to popular beliefs, it will soon get warmer and it will rain;
  • around the moon two crimson rings of clouds shine – for severe frost and snow;
  • according to signs, if frost is visible on the branches of a tree in the morning, and a frosty day – to a good harvest of bread;
  • there is a lot of fluff and feathers in the nest – the birds are preparing for the harsh winter;
  • you can hear the singing of bullfinches – signs predict a blizzard;
  • crows walk on roads and fields – to imminent warming;
  • according to signs, if a frosty crackle is heard – to severe cold weather.

December 5 folk signs

Interpretation of dreams on December 5

Dreams on December 5 are considered prophetic. The information coming from a dream is true.

  1. If in a dream the sleeper rides a horse, in reality a fateful meeting will soon await.
  2. Walking along the road means a long journey.
  3. If the sleeper in a dream has lost money – be careful, they are trying to financially deceive you.
  4. Finding other people's money in a dream – to the financial collapse of the planned event.
  5. To rejoice at someone – to a failed deal with partners or a failed date.
  6. Seeing a tree in a dream – you have a good friend;
  7. Plucking fruits from the tree – you are deceiving a person close to you and trusting you.
  8. Dreams, where there are many different mythical creatures, predict a long and happy life.
  9. Seeing yourself in a dream is a family conflict.
  10. Quarreling – to offend someone in reality.
  11. Have fun in a dream – in real life, you will regret any action.

Folk omens for December 5 - Procopius Day


The talisman for those born on December 5 is a tourmaline stone. He is able to give the owner the power of creative talent. Tourmaline is believed to attract magic. A black stone has this ability especially strongly, so it is often used in a magic ritual or conspiracy.

And also tourmaline is a talisman for wandering travelers, therefore it is taken on a long journey, believing that it protects from dark forces and will prevent them from confusing their tracks home when they return.


On Prokopyev Day, unmarried girls pray for a happy fate, for marriage and a prosperous family life.

On December 5, the Orthodox pray for the healing of the seriously ill, and ask Saint Procopius for deliverance from spiritual wounds.

The people believe that the sled path laid on Procopius is successful and prosperous. During his lifetime, the elder showed and instructed the true gentiles on the path, therefore people believe that Procopius patronizes the roads laid out on his day, directing tired travelers home.

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