In the Orthodox Church, July 7 is the day of John the Baptist, while among the people this date symbolizes the celebration of Ivan Kupala, and is one of the most ancient and revered holidays. Consider the interpretation of dreams, customs, signs and conspiracies associated with this date, as well as the plant talismans of this day.
The night of July 7 is famous for many customs:
- Before sunrise, before the holiday, healers and sorcerers went to the forest for various herbs, which were endowed with strong healing properties. And on the anthills they collected medicinal oil, which, according to popular belief, helped to cure any disease.
- On the borders of villages, near rivers or at forks of roads, ritual bonfires were made, in which the belongings of sick people, broken utensils or a stuffed witch were burned – it was believed that in this way it was possible to ward off illness and poverty.
- Young people danced in circles, jumped over a flaring fire and threw hand-made wreaths into it – this way they could protect themselves from the evil eye and various ailments. People in a more mature age sat around the fire and mentally asked the spirit of fire to save them from life's bad weather.
- At sunrise, dew collected, which people with vision problems washed with.
The main rite of the holiday – in the early morning of July 7, people began to swim in the rivers and pour water over everyone they met on the way – this helped to get rid of existing diseases and strengthen immunity.
Folk omens on the night of July 7, associated with girls dropping a wreath with a lit torch on the water:
- swims further than others – soon all life troubles will be resolved;
- drowns – the lover's feelings have subsided, and further relationships with him will not bring happiness;
- the fire of the torch burned the longest – the owner of the wreath will live for many years.
The wreaths were woven from burdocks, Bogorodskaya grass and Ivan and Marya's flowers. Unmarried girls at midnight with their eyes closed tore off a bouquet of flowers and put them under the pillow at night – if in the morning there were 12 different plants, then the wedding is not far off.
The night on Ivan Kupala is the shortest, and it was customary to stay awake until the morning so that the activated evil spirits did not take away the vitality of a helpless person. According to popular beliefs and beliefs, on the night before July 7, the owners laid branches of nettles on the doorstep of their houses – they protected their homes from evil spirits.
The horses were locked up in the stables for the night so that they would not be stolen by the witches and set off on horseback to Bald Mountain. It was believed that the stolen animals would never return home alive.
The main beliefs associated with July 7:
- starry sky – mushroom year;
- thunderstorm – poor harvest of nuts;
- the grain did not get stuck – to a bad harvest and drought;
- abundant morning dew – cucumbers will be born;
- rain – the weather will improve in 5 days;
- a strong smell of wildflowers – to imminent rain.
The symbol of the holiday is the violet-yellow flower of fidelity Ivan da Marya, which embodies the combination of the elements of fire and water. These flowers, plucked and brought into the house on the night of July 7, will protect the happiness of the spouses and their home from damage or ill-wishers.
To get rich, find happiness and meet a soul mate, it was necessary to find a blossoming fern on the night of Ivan Kupala – this was a difficult task, since the flower did not appear on all plants and faded in just a couple of seconds. In addition, each flowering plant was guarded by evil spirits, so it was difficult to take it with you.
To meet your betrothed, you had to put a plantain under your head before going to bed and say quietly: 'Plantain, who lives near the road and sees everyone around, point me to my beloved.'
Drying the plant chosen to create the talisman, you need to say: 'The magic and kupala potion, collected in the morning, poured with dew, warmed by the first rays of the sun. I create a talisman for love and good luck out of you, sew it into a bag and hide it from prying eyes. '
Interpretation of dreams
The dream seen on the night of July 7 will come true soon. If the dream came during a day's rest, it will come true no earlier than six months later.
Vivid visions on the night of July 6-7 indicate the relationship between the dreamer and his environment – the images seen will help you choose the best way to resolve existing conflicts with loved ones or colleagues.
Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun A divine fortune teller A boring dream that is not filled with events indicates that you will have to solve the problems you have on your own, since none of your friends or relatives will come to the rescue.
On July 7, you can make a unique talisman for your zodiac sign by putting twigs of the following plants in your chest bag:
- A lion. Clover will help to moderate your own self-esteem and pay attention to the people around you.
- Sagittarius. Calendula will relieve you of excessive temper and fickleness, will help maintain love for your soul mate for many years.
- Aries. Wormwood will cool your temper and help you find love.
- Capricorn. St. John's wort will give self-confidence and determination to open true feelings to a loved one.
- Taurus. Peppermint will develop a feeling of tenderness and sensitivity.
- Virgo. Lily will soften character traits and attract true love to life.
- Libra. Nettle will help resolve all conflict situations with loved ones.
- Aquarius. Cornflower will relieve unnecessary fears, and will give you the opportunity to listen to the call of your heart.
- Twins. Lavender will calm the explosive character and improve the relationship with the significant other.
- Crayfish. Celandine will bring harmony to lovers, and help lonely representatives of the sign find love.
- Scorpio. Plantain will heal old mental wounds and restore your former confidence.
- Fish. The ear will add moral and physical strength, inspire to create new relationships.
On the day of Ivan Kupala, anyone can independently make a talisman for themselves, which will help find love or kindle passion in a relationship, and bathing in the river will have a miraculous effect on well-being, fill it with vital energy for a whole year.