Folk omens, traditions and conspiracies for April 9 (the day of the Holy Matrona Mentor)

In Orthodoxy, April 9 was named the day of St. Matrona of Thessalonica. On this holiday, women went to church, and men were actively preparing for future sowing. On April 9, folk omens are known that help determine the weather for the near future.

Folk omens, traditions and conspiracies for April 9 (the day of the Holy Matrona Mentor)


The Orthodox call the Holy Matrona – Mentor (Mentor) and Half-ruff. The first name is due to the fact that on April 9, the sun usually shone during the day, and at night there were still frosts. Because of this, the snow was covered with a thin crust – an infusion. On this day, the hostesses took homespun canvases into the courtyard and spread them on this nasta. Under the influence of bright sunlight, the fabric became lighter.

The holiday on April 9 is also called Matron Polurepnitsa. The hostesses sorted the stocks of turnips that day: the spoiled ones were thrown away, and those that were well preserved were shifted with straw and selected the seed.

On April 9, turnips were present on the table and were the main treat. The peasants believed that this vegetable had healing powers. It was served along with honey – usually such a dish was intended for children.

We ate a raw root vegetable, previously chopped on a grater. And also a salad was made from turnips, onions and vegetable oil.

On April 9, you cannot quarrel and conflict. It is believed that Saint Matrona does not tolerate squabbles and punishes those who decide to arrange swearing.

On Matrona Solunskaya, it is customary to clean the house. Housewives throw away old things, mop floors and dust.

They also do not disdain social work. Also on this day it was customary to repay debts. If this is not done, then soon you will have to again look for material assistance.

Since Saint Matrona is the patroness of hostesses, women on April 9 attended church and lit a candle. In prayers, they asked for help in the work and hoped that the work would be facilitated. The weavers also asked for blessings – before bleaching the nonwoven fabric.

Folk omens, traditions and conspiracies for April 9 (the day of the Holy Matrona Mentor)

On April 9, the men go fishing. People say: “The pike breaks the ice with its tail.” They hunt pike. The river at this time is gradually thawing, and soon floods can be expected. From the day of St. Matrona, clear weather was established, which awakened the fish in the river from sleep.

On this day, preparations for future sowing begin. Seeds are carefully selected, with each owner planting only one variety. Purchased seeds were not used – few believed that such seeds could give a good harvest.


On April 9, a conspiracy is uttered that saves people from grief and heals souls.

'In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
No wrist, but with a cross
Sleeps under the crystal bridge, sits
But he hears and sees everything
Old Saint, with a gray beard, barefoot.
He sees and anticipates
In all sad cases, it helps me:
From hunger and cold, from sword and fire,
From an implacable sorcerer
And premature old age,
From all the people of the volost,
Honest and dishonest
From a vain judgment
A terrible punishment.
Under the crystal bridge
The gray-haired saint sits, sleeps,
But he hears and sees everything.
Whoever touches me will drop his staff.
Who will inadvertently wake him up,
He will destroy himself by this.
Keys, padlocks,
My words are secret and witchcraft.
Close not once or twice, my words,
With nine locks, nine keys.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.


On April 9, our ancestors paid attention to natural phenomena in order to predict the weather for the near future. People's omens played an important role, since the sowing work took a long time, and there was not a day to lose.

  1. If there was no rainfall before April 9, according to signs, in the coming days, count on the first spring rain.
  2. If the birds are screaming loudly in the evening, clear and sunny weather is expected tomorrow.
  3. On April 9, gulls fly low – signs and superstitions say that precipitation is not expected soon, and ice will break on the river.
  4. The first birds arrive – folk signs say that real spring will begin soon.
  5. On the evening of April 9, ibises fly low and at the same time scream – signs promise a dry summer.
  6. According to popular beliefs, if there is fog on the street in the morning, and the grass and roads are covered with frost, this year there will be a rich harvest.
  7. If the third needles fall on April 9, signs promise that ice drift on the river will begin in 14 days.
  8. If the snow has left behind mold, go to the forest for mushrooms, there will be a lot of them.
  9. In the old days, they said that body aches promised a quick bad weather.

Interpretation of dreams

Dreams of April 9, as a rule, do not come true. In this case, dreams can bring a sense of 'déjà vu'. On the night of April 9, they are deceiving and are the opposite of what happens in reality. To understand what information is contained in a dream, it is necessary to turn the interpretation exactly the opposite way.

Prophetic dreams come only to Alexander, Pavel and Ivan.

The dream that we saw in a dream on the night of April 9 is very important. It will reveal hidden abilities that you didn't notice. And also a dream can show problems in the social sphere.

Folk omens, traditions and conspiracies for April 9 (the day of the Holy Matrona Mentor)


Name days are celebrated on this day:

  • Matron;
  • Paul;
  • Ivan;
  • Makar;
  • Alexander;
  • Maria.

Herbs harvested on April 9

Healers and simple peasants, according to tradition, on April 9, harvest medicinal herbs and plants: aloe, marshmallow, spleen, orange, aralia, snowdrop, oak, spruce, comfrey, willow, dogwood, oxalis, burdock, buckthorn, dandelion, lemongrass.

People say that Saint Matrona comes out to meet migratory birds and thus promises the coming of real spring. She helps to get a good harvest, so the Orthodox on this day honor her by going to church and sincere prayer.

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