A photo from open sources
Today the word “incubus” is not familiar to many, but in the Middle Ages the incubation problem was very relevant. Incubus – so in the Middle Ages called the ghosts who came to the sleeping women and entered with them in sexual intercourse, after which those children were born.
Lustful incubus
Cases of the birth of babies by pious female nuns monasteries were very frequent. The mob hardened, and Pope Innocent VIII (1432-1492) issued a special bull on how “brides Christ’s “should be protected from lustful demons. It would seem, about what can I say? Sinned nuns couldn’t come up with anything better how to blame otherworldly forces for your fall. But not everything is so simple. Sometimes ardent Catholics became fallen and even hermit nuns, which is absolutely amazing. Hermits walled up in cells, leaving only a small window, through which they were given food. It was easy to sin in such conditions physically impossible. At confessions, the unfortunate said that incubuses came to them in the form of long-dead men or husbands. Born children became the subject of the church, and sometimes secular court.
The Case of Maria de Mondelon
In 1698, the court of Grenoble appealed to 32-year-old Maria de Mondelon. Noble lady demanded inheritance rights her newly born boy. The catch was that the spouse ladies Earl Jerome Auguste de Mondelon died 4 years before the birth of his son in distant America. The court rejected the request as absurd. Countess filed a complaint to the city’s parliament. She swore that she conceived a child from her husband, appeared to her in a dream.
The process was loud. Lawyers brought a bunch of documents, telling how the nuns in the monasteries became pregnant from appearing them in a dream of men. Midwives and midwives took the plaintiff’s side, who considered the conception from the incubus is quite possible. The city was having fun. All it would remain a legal incident, but the boy grows older more and more becoming like a late count. He is not just became an exact copy of the “father”, but also adopted his gestures, habits. The servants and friends of the long-dead Jerome claimed that the boy even has a parent voice.
What about today?
Today, a woman gives birth to a child out of wedlock. shocking and not surprising. The child is not affected by the rights, the mother is not being ostracized. It would seem that there is no need connect to the appearance of the baby spirits and ghosts. However in the press messages slip as some women insist on the fact conception of your child from a long-dead person, although it’s wonderful represent the reaction of outsiders to such statements.
In 1972, doctors put Theresa F. from California scary diagnosis: infertility. The husband, having learned about this, left her. Two years the woman was depressed. One of December nights in her dream appeared Michael, her first love. The young man crashed on a motorbike many years ago. Four times visited Michael Teresa. Soon the woman realized that she was pregnant. Doctors her stories about conception from the ghost was regarded as nonsense, obsessed with the happiness of the future maternity women. The birth was difficult. Theresa is dead, baby born dead.
25 years later, Dr. Lenichen, who worked in the clinic where she gave birth Teresa discovered parts of her uterus and fetus that were stored for many years. Driven by curiosity, he turned to Michael’s relatives with a request to take material for comparative analysis. It turned out Michael’s parents kept the shirt in which he died. It was unthinkable luck: the purity of the experiment is 100%! Genetic examination showed that the probability of Michael’s paternity is 98%.
Specialists contacted for clarification avid to Sensations reporters refused to comment on this fact.