A photo from open sources
Not everyone knows that the large Loch Ness lake in Scotland is a haven not only for the legendary monster, but also for the ghost of a sergeant saying goodbye here during the Second World War II with life. There are many documented recorded indicators of eyewitnesses that were observed here various paranormalities regarding the phantom plane and late gunner on board.
In 1976, they found a skeleton of an airplane in a reservoir at a depth of 70 meters, fell here over 3 decades ago. It turned out to be Vickers Wellington “- a twin-engine British bomber, widely used by the Royal Air Force during Second World War. Vickers Wellington was the brainchild of an engineer and inventor Barnes Wallace – this specialist created the famous “bombshell”, intended to destroy the Nazi dams in Germany. The British who carried out such bombing, were called “dam breakers.”
The rise of the remains of the aircraft from the lake
The plane discovered in Lake Loch Ness aroused great interest in numerous aviation experts and military historians, therefore It was decided to raise the remains of the aircraft from the bottom. First was an underwater survey was conducted in which divers from Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh and British Royal fleet. As a result, it was possible to determine that the bomber really belongs to the Wellington series, and even set it up production number – 2980.
Nothing mysterious or supernatural in the history of this there was no plane. At the end of 1939, Vickers Wellington accepted participation in 14 bombings of the Third Reich, after which the command transferred him to the Scottish city of Lossimuth. There is an aircraft used to prepare pilots and military crews for battle. However, the plane crash turned out to be a story far more interesting and mysterious.
The official report states that the bomber fell into the lake 31 December 1940 New Year’s Eve over Loch Ness and his A strong blizzard rose in the vicinity. Flying over the Monadlia mountain range the plane began to chat intensively, and soon he was having problems with the engine. Pilot Nigel Elton commander of the squadron, ordered the crew to urgently leave the ship. 4people managed to safely jump with parachutes, however gunner John Fansome, barely 20 years old, tragically died: his parachute caught on the wing of the plane.
A photo from open sources
During the evacuation pilots Elton and Slater to the last kept control of the bomber. Fighting at dusk with snowfall and gale-force wind, pilots, oddly enough, contrived put Vickers Wellington on a lake near Arcart Castle and escape on an inflatable boat. The plane went under water whole and almost unscathed. Pilots sailed to the shore and stopped at the truck that drove them to the nearest port.
A photo from open sources
Only in September 1985 was it possible to extract with great efforts water the main part of the rusted bomber body, while searches for its fragments continued until 1986. Turning on the video below, you can watch the British documentary on raising the ship from the bottom of Loch Ness. The remains of the aircraft were restored and placed in the hangar. Brookland Aviation Museum, where they are today.
A photo from open sources
Amazing mysticism of a bomber falling into Loch Ness
Now let’s move on to the most mysterious part of this story. Wreck aircraft discovered in 1976, and finally identify Vickers Wellington with serial number 2980 succeeded only in 1979 year. Nevertheless, back in 1978, the team of submariners fell here to a depth of 70 meters with advanced electronics at that time in order to identify the aircraft, but received a clear image sunken bomber … with a ghostly human figure inside in military uniform of the times of the Second World War. Divers turned out to be so frightened by their find that they immediately rushed to climb surface.
Could it be John Fansome’s restless spirit, alarmed expedition divers? Paranormal specialists argue that this is entirely possible. The remains of a young sergeant who was an exemplary Christian, was never found, therefore, rather total, they are still somewhere under water, no one buried.
A photo from open sources
In the same year, another mystical incident related to a sergeant’s ghost in Loch Ness. This story is a local Peter Smithson Tells English Supernatural Researcher appearances to Bruce Halpenny. According to Smithson, in the early morning he strolling near the lake and saw a man in uniform, coming out of the water to the shore and pulling a parachute. Eyewitness suggested that some kind of accident happened and military need help. The Scot already wanted to shout out a stranger, but, a little approaching him, he noticed that the man was dressed in obsolete clothes of the forties. Suddenly, the sergeant looked at Peter with some empty inanimate look, turned, pointed a hand at the water and at the same moment dissolved in the air.
Similar oddities continue here to this day. So, spring 2011, an elderly couple from Inverness set off fishing on Loch Ness. Husband and wife sailed on a rowing boat about quarter of a kilometer and abandoned fishing rods. In less than half an hour, how an approaching roar of a motor was heard from above, then into the water something heavy and invisible hit nearby. The waves rose, and the couple’s boat almost turned over. Recovering from shock and looking into the water, our heroes saw in it the vague outlines of a huge aircraft going to the depths. They subsequently found out in Internet that it was Vickers Wellington.
War Water Time Loch Ness Monster Aircraft