Ghost drove out of the village only men

Ghost drove only men out of the villagePhoto from open sources

The small village of Kashiguda in the Indian state of Telingana befell mysterious misfortune. Soon this village may to be completely abandoned, because here in a strange way men die and disappear. After 3 mysterious deaths and 4 not less mysterious disappearances of the stronger sex the villagers realized that they had a ghost in their community women who hate men.

Just a few weeks ago, more than 60 families lived in Kasigude, however, now there are only a few people left. All doom and disappearances occur in unexplained circumstances, due to which the Indians had no doubt that everything was to blame dark supernatural powers. When the community was reached panic, many men abandoned their homes and went to live in others places. The only inhabitants here were women, but they fear the embittered spirit, which probably could spread if desired, and on them.

Maybe a serial killer actually got here? Or local did the men simply conspire and decide to run away from their wives? Indians, by the way, are so superstitious people that even local police are afraid to enter the village so as not to get caught inadvertently in the clutches of the alleged evil ghost or not lure him to other villages: suddenly it’s something infectious …


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