Photos from open sources of
Two English teens claim they succeeded take a picture of a ghost at an upcoming party Catholic Christmas. Presumably, the phantom belongs to a certain to the girl.
Guest from Beyond
Nineteen-year-old Sophie Killip and Kaylee Lomas of Dudley (county West Midlands) recently attended a holiday event, organized by their classmate. At some point, the girls bored at the celebration and decided to have fun by shooting other guests and the interior of the bar. Sitting at a separate table, friends made about fifty pictures, then quickly forgot about them.
The next day, Sophie, who owns the camera, I needed to clear the device’s memory. Girl for fun I looked at the images I had planned on the eve delete, and suddenly noticed on one of the photos something mysterious and even frightening. The picture showed an obscure silhouette sitting at the table with Killip and Lomas. Despite the low quality the photo caused by the darkness in the bar, you can clearly see what it is figure of a girl with long dark hair, a sharp nose and puffy face. Sophie immediately called Kayleigh and told her friend about this amazing find.
The girls immediately felt that the party that night was visited by a guest from the world that could not be seen with his eyes, but he managed imprint on one of the photos.
A photo from open sources
Ghost or glare?
Students posted a mysterious photo on a social network “Facebook”, writing a comment to it as follows: “We were on friday at the christmas party and got a separate table for two. When we took a picture of him, in the picture an ominous figure appeared, looking like a girl thrown on shoulder with dark hair. But we remember exactly that nobody is near us did not have! Horrible! Is this a real ghost? We are very scared. We would like to believe that these are just glare caused by unusual lighting in the bar, but this silhouette is very similar to person. How are we to be? ”
According to the English women, Sophie then got up and took a picture of the table, and Kayleigh continued to sit. Girlfriends suggest that at that moment a ghostly girl dressed in old-fashioned clothes was near them and looked at Lomas. The latter is currently scared by The obvious reason is especially strong. Girlfriends explain that photo has a bloody tint due to the festive lighting in the bar, which that evening it was red, now green, now blue.
Photography has already circled around many English-language sites, spawning heated debate about what is actually depicted on her.