Ghost Hitchhikers

There are legends in the world about people who vote on the roads, and then disappear, often from closed cars, leading to confusion of drivers who agreed to give them a lift. There is information that sometimes such passengers do not disappear, but rather offer continue contact with them.

Where is the passenger of the motorcycle?

On a spring day in 1978, Dave van Yaarsveld, Army Corporal Republic of South Africa, went on a motorcycle to a girlfriend, resident of the city of Uniondale, located in the Cape. As he approached the city, he saw a young woman standing on the sidelines dark- haired girl. Having decided that she is waiting for a passing vehicle, the corporal stopped the motorcycle, handed her a spare helmet, sat on seat behind him and rode on.

HauntedA photo from open sources

After a couple of kilometers, the motorcycle suddenly tilted slightly, and the rear the wheel bounced up. Dave looked around and saw that the passenger has disappeared. Frightened that she fell off the motorcycle, he turned back, to track her down. The highway section here was straight as an arrow and walked on a flat field. And not a single living was visible around souls. Moreover, having stopped, the corporal found that his spare the helmet is fastened, as usual, at the back of the trunk.

Local specialist in the study of mysterious phenomena and events, David Barrit, to whom the corporal spoke of a strange incident, showed him one photograph. On it, Dave immediately recognized mysterious fellow traveler. It turned out that it was 22-year-old Maria Rauks, who died in a car accident ten years ago, just in the place where her ghost stood on the sidelines. Barrit informed the corporal that since then, not one driver “drove” the girl, and every time she just as suddenly disappeared.

Disappeared fellow traveler

On a summer night in 1981 in the south of France, two couples rode by car “Renault-5” to the city of Mont-Pelle. Seeing the road standing a young woman, the driver stopped the car. To the question, do not give a ride whether she was to Montpellier, she nodded silently and sat in the back seat between two “legitimate” passengers.

A photo from open sources

After a while, a random fellow traveler spoke and asked the driver to be especially attentive at a sharp bend in front.

And almost immediately from the back seat there were screams of two women in whom wonder and fear were mixed. Sitting in front the men turned around and saw that the stranger had disappeared. They are like were able to reassure women, although they themselves were perplexed and confusion from this incredible incident. Wherein, Of course, the Renault driver drastically reduced the speed of the car. AND during. Suddenly turning in the headlights turned really very dangerous.

The ghost of a dead student

In the late fall of 1965, May Doria from Tulsa, state Oklahoma, decided to visit her sister, who lived 60 kilometers from her in the city of Prior.

A photo from open sources

“I drove along the highway,” May said, “and when I passed a school building on the outskirts of Claremore saw the boy. is he stood by the side of the road and voted. I pulled up to him, opened the door and offered to get into the car. He sat next to me, we rode and chatted about all kinds of trifles that strangers usually chat about people.

In the distance, Pryor’s lights appeared, but as soon as the car moved under the drainpipe, laid under the road, the boy suddenly asked to stop and release it. May looked around but did not see around neither the houses nor the lights.

“Where do you live?” – surprised, she asked.

“Over there,” the boy answered, and showed a hand somewhere to the side. May looked there, saw nothing and turned her head to her companion. But he … disappeared!

May abruptly braked, jumped out of the car.

“I walked around the car several times,” she said, – looked under him, examined the salon. On both sides of the road stretched flat field. The boy had nowhere to hide. And then how could he disappear from the car on the go without opening the door?

Two years later, accidentally talking to the master on this stretch of roadwork, May found out that from time to time people get here in exactly the same situation, but for the first time a ghost boy got hooked in a passing car in 1936.

“They say,” said the master, “that some scoundrel crushed the boy to death, dragged the body into a drain pipe and left. Body found a few days later, but that villain was never found.

Importunate passenger

Late in the evening of November 20, 1982, the merchant Abdel Haiz Russen He was driving from Mayaguez to his home in Arecibo. On the stretch of road nicknamed “Chain”, he saw a man with a raised hand – balding a man of about thirty-five in a gray shirt and brown jeans. For some reason, Abdel did not like the voter, and he drove past him, without stopping.

When Abdel soon braked in front of a red traffic light, The car’s engine suddenly stalled. All attempts to start it again were unsuccessful. While Abdel was busy with the motor, the right front the car door opened and the same one sat on the passenger seat bald type.

“Hi, I’m Roberto,” he introduced himself to the taken aback Abdel. -Please drop me in the area of ​​Alturas de Aguarda. I’m already almost two months did not see his wife Esperanza and our son.

Abdel said his wife is also waiting for him at home in Arecibo, and therefore he cannot fulfill Roberto’s request. But he began to persuade Abdel, who, in the end, agreed to take the intrusive hitchhiker to the restaurant “El Nido” if the car engine comes to life. Without any hope, he turned the ignition key again, and suddenly the engine purred quietly and confidently.

During the trip, Roberto somehow began to advise Abdel drive carefully and, while driving, never drink alcohol. A he also asked Abdel to pray for him.

Taxiing into the parking lot near the restaurant and carefully looking at rear view mirror, Abdel promised Roberto to take it into account recommendations and request. At the same time, people standing nearby with in surprise looked at the driver of a car that approached something spoke animatedly … to himself! One of them went to the car and through an open window he asked Abdel if he needed help.

“Thank you, everything is fine with me,” Abdel answered. – But this one master, ”he jabbed his finger to the right,“ for some reason he asks me not to scam on the road, and even pray for him.

With these words, Abdel turned to his annoying passenger, but saw only an empty chair next to him.

A nervous shock happened to Abdel. Passers-by called the police, and they they took the shocked merchant to the nearest hospital, where he, coming to himself, told law enforcement officers about his adventure and in detail described the appearance of a strange companion.

After listening carefully to the story of Abdel, the police set off on the address that the mysteriously disappeared informed him passenger.

The door was opened by a pretty young woman with a small child on hands. She told the police that her name was Esperanza and that she – the widow of Roberto Valentino Carbo, who died on October 6, 1982 in car accident. He wore a gray shirt and browns that day. jeans. She also added that Roberto was a kind person and a good husband, though not very young, and that his appearance is slightly spoiled noticeable bald head.

As Abdel later found out, the tragedy happened on the very spot where the ghost of Roberto for the first time wanted to get into his car.

Sociable stranger

In the mid-1950s, a young American couple and their buddy one evening went by car to a neighboring town relax and dance. On the way, the driver saw a voting young blonde in a white dress and stopped to give her a lift town. During a conversation with a girl who introduced herself as Rose White, she was asked if it was cold in her light dress in this cool evening, to which she replied that, on the contrary, she even a little hot. Rose was a nice special, and she was offered to take part in the upcoming entertainment, which she eagerly agreed.

When one of the two men invited Rosa to dance, he felt that her hand was as if icy and that it was blowing from her the cold. He told his friends about this, and the second man, dancing with a girl, experienced the same sensations. Friends decided that something was wrong with her.

When the party ended, all four went outside together. Rosa told new friends her address and invited them to visit her in the near future. And she asked me to take her to that very places where she stopped their car.

Harrison Ave. USA is a frequent road a ghost hitchhiker after a terrible accident in 1953

A photo from open sources

To see a new friend, the friends went to the next day. But at the address indicated by Rosa was … a convent. In response to their perplexed inquiries, one of the nuns showed them a photo in which visitors immediately recognized their new familiar.

And then the nun led her friends to the monastery cemetery, telling along the way that they are not the first to come here to search for this girl who died tragically several years ago back, and that the ghost of the deceased often appears at the place of her death on the anniversary of the sad event.

Vadim Ilyin

Drivers Time

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