Photos from open sources of
User under the alias XSAS_Daughter on the site “Unexplained Mysteries”, dedicated to supernatural phenomena, shared a mysterious photo with other regulars of the resource, which, presumably, is depicted looking out of a window black car ghost.
Familiar XSAS_Daughter recently bought a car and decided to “wash” purchase, invited friends in the evening to a restaurant. Parked car across the road, he took his new pride and set off celebrate. Looking through the pictures taken a few days later, a motorist suddenly noticed something on one of them astounding.
In front, in the passenger seat of a car, a man was sitting, however, this simply could not be, since the car was in the moment of shooting is empty, closed and set to the alarm!
Of course, the author of the photo immediately decided that we are talking about ghost. However, where does a native of the other world come from, if not a used car, but a new one, and no tragedies in it could not happen? It is difficult to answer this question.
Some commentators readily believe that this is a real phantom. Others suggest that when photographing, some person just looked out the car window from the driver’s seat. However, the author of the picture assures that in this case he would have noticed curious, because he was reverent about his purchase and even a little jealous of her other people. It remains to be assumed that people from the other world are also interested in good new cars …