Ghost train. From nowhere to nowhere by train.

Evidence of the existence of phenomena and events that go beyond framework of common sense, many. Hold the palm ghostly people – dying, dead and alive. Photos from open sources. They are followed by ghostly animals – domestic, wild or some otherworldly. Do not stand aside houses, cars, planes and even tanks, and if you’re lucky, you can see a ghost town and wander along its pavements, and some even managed to communicate with its residents. So why not fly out nowhere to ghost trains? “… The edges were lost, melted in the air – obscure and blurry. And on one such edge arose the head of the train is an antediluvian locomotive with a spotlight in front and ragged train of smoke over the furnace, the engine jumped to the bridge from nothing and pulled out of this nothing black wagons with platforms at the back and in front, with a dim chain of window lights … It was not a mirage. IN the fractional rumble of wheels surrendered to the ground, the smell of coal burned in … “- wrote V. Krapivin in the book “Dovecote, in the yellow meadow.” Did the writer really meet with the mystical train, or is it the fruit of his imagination is unknown, but the fact that the compositions are not indicated in no schedule and themselves not recognizing any schedules, appear from time to time – a fairly well-known fact. Amazing the trains purposefully aim somewhere, and stop them impossible. The starting point is July 14, 1911. Exactly then the three-car tourist train left the Roman station. This flight was arranged by Sanetti for wealthy Italians, so that 106 passengers could see the sights surrounding the new road section. The train was approaching super-long (at that time) kilometer mountain tunnel in Lombardy when began to happen weird things. According to two passengers who are frightened jumped off on the move, everything was suddenly covered with milky white fog. By as we approach the tunnel, the fog thickens, turning into a viscous jelly. However, the train entered the tunnel, but on the other hand so and. did not appear … The engine and three wagons disappeared without a trace. The notoriety about this section of the road forced the leadership of the railway roads abandon its operation, the tunnel was laid with stones. True, in the 40s of the XX century, a mystical train suddenly showed up where railroads have not yet been laid from Europe Highways – in the capital of Mexico. In the notes of the famous Mexican psychiatrist Jose Saxino has information on how to Mexico City 104 Italians appeared. They all got into a psychiatric hospital, as claimed to have arrived in Mexico City from Rome … on by train. For some reason, this event did not cause much excitement, and Especially since no one tied up the long-lost Italian tourist train and the exact amount remaining inside it passengers with the number of “crazy”. It is believed that the change the continent by Roman train is not an isolated case. In North America there is a legend according to which the mourning train of President Abraham Lincoln still wanders on state railways New York, although more than a hundred years have passed since the president’s death. American artist Michael Roff tried to sketch this phenomenon according to several eyewitnesses. His drawing shows a steam locomotive and all the same three cars … An extremely mysterious event occurred in 1929 at the railway station in Zurich. To the platform, from which the express departed a few minutes ago, the train arrived from several long blue wagons and luxurious red and black steam locomotive giving a loud hoot. Station attendant and driver the steam engine looked at each other with undisguised surprise friend – the attendant wondered what kind of train it was and where he was from undertook, the engineer – what kind of station is it and where did it come from the way. Finally, the locomotive, emitting puffs of smoke and steam, moved away from apron, quickly gaining speed, and soon disappeared from sight. Duty he hastened to notify the stations along the route of an unknown train, but, as it turned out, the train didn’t reach the nearest station, it’s like dissolved in the air … Similar “railway legends” can be hear around the world, depending on the country of residence in them Hitler’s train may be featured (Poland); convoy collapsing into a river during an accident on railway bridge (Romania); “Pavka Korchagin train” in Ukraine; ambulance train that fell under the bombing at the end of World War II war in Germany; mysterious train from Colombo (Sri Lanka) and a lot others. Especially high-profile statements on such topics belong to Nikolai Cherkashin, whom many call only lucky hoaxer. He wrote several articles about vanished Italian train, one of them is called “Skull Gogol near the English Channel. “It described what exactly the ill-fated Italian train rode student Yanovsky, whose brother (the grand-nephew of N.V. Gogol and the naval officer) exported from Russia the kidnapped skull of a writer to interpose in Italy. What for the young man needed such a strange thing on a pleasure trip, unknown, but it was he who was among the two lucky ones, managed to jump off the train. Since then, Gogol’s skull has been wandering around the world in a ghost train. At least cases of his [train] repeated appearance near Poltava, in the writer’s homeland, in the area of ​​the stop Zavalichi, and in. 1940, on the eve of his birthday Adolf Hitler, a ghost train appeared on top-secret single track leading to the Fuhrer headquarters. Also the ghost train was seen in a railway tunnel under the English Channel. Seen this train and near Balaklava .. They say he’s also “walking” along the path of the former the railway that the British led from Balaclava to the Italian camp on Mount Gasfort. And in 1999, the mystical the train appeared near Boyarka. This village in Soviet times was known to everyone who read N. Ostrovsky’s novel How It Was Tempered steel. “As you know, in the early 20s of the XX century in this area Komsomol members really built a narrow gauge railway so that supply freezing Kiev with firewood. Residents of Boyarka have always been proud the fact that Komsomol members headed by Pavka worked in their city Korchagin. But now rumors that a ghost appeared in the city Pavki, they scare them. Those who have seen the ghost train claim that in the driver’s cab is a young man in the Red Army form and budenovke. This is a real train consisting of a small steam locomotive of a sample of those distant years and three wagons, loaded with firewood. The locomotive, rattling, runs right along freshly plowed field without leaving any traces the driver beeps several times, after which the train undergrowth dissolves in air. The local population knows about regular train appearances, but he’s afraid to even tell reporters about them. Perhaps because rumors circulated around the district as if the soul unbaptized Korchagin (people somehow forgot that this is just literary image) condemned by heaven to ride a steam train all his life. Some researchers believe that this is a chronometer, which is quite may occur in the freezing air, but so far no one has heard of a mirage that would be accompanied by sound and seismic (earth shake) effects. And all the more strange is that on it you can … leave. So, on September 25, 1991, the chairman Commission for the study of abnormal phenomena at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Vasily Petrovich Bream trapped a mysterious train when moving to the village of Zavalichi. He jumped on the bandwagon and … more than him: nobody I saw …- There are no people wishing to continue the study of this phenomenon found. The person on duty at the village of Zavalichi, Poltava region Elena, Spiridonovna Chebrets claims that the train is tight closed curtains, open doors and an empty driver’s cab on this time moved absolutely silently, crushing at the same time walking on the canvas of chickens. In shock, there was also a freight train driver, who 2 February 2002, was approaching the station Plavni Passenger (Ukraine). Suddenly, at some fifty meters … a train obviously pre-war buildings – a steam locomotive and six to seven cars! When a clash seemed inevitable, the composition is just as mysterious disappeared … And yet, scientists are trying to somehow explain the appearance mystical train in different corners of the earth. Railways they say, densely and bizarrely braided the continents with a web of rails, and this, like any significant transformation of space, entailed temporary anomalies. Super long tunnels ultra-deep mines, ultra-tall towers – all these spatial neoplasms change, albeit not very noticeably, the movement of time. The railway network is perhaps the largest creation of humanity. Metal net covering with one or another density our continents undoubtedly affect the natural the geophysical field of the Earth, and therefore, on its chronic processes, then there is a passage of time. Well-known specialist in the field of topology, Associate Professor, Moscow University, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Ivan Petrovich Pacey writes that “the railway network is not a network flat and spherical; she repeats the curvature of the globe. A where the plane goes into the sphere, there is three-dimensional space goes into two-dimensional and vice versa (remember the Mobius strip), that is the railway network is the border-conjugation of at least two, and for the most part – several spaces … “Italian another explanation is found for the phenomenon. Shortly before extinction Roman train in Italy there was a powerful earthquake with epicenter in the area of ​​Messina. Perhaps monstrous cracks and dips arose not only in stony soil, but also in a chronic field. If the assumption that a “wandering chronic hole” was formed there, which could carry the train from our usual three-dimensional space in four-dimensional, where time (chronic field), in addition to duration, acquires a new characteristic – depth. therefore ill-fated composition, falling out of “its usual vector time, began to move freely from his present, both to the past, so and into the future. “In conclusion, we note that, according to some scientists, the phenomenon of a ghost train is more likely to be classified as topological anomalies, rather than banal mysticism.

Time Italy Russia Ukraine

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