Photos from open sources
Sometimes ghosts or the same poltergeist appear in our world not in the form of a person or even a terrible monster, but as a fragment of a figure, more often than not, hands.
For example, a poltergeist case is documented, who raged in one of the Scottish houses in 1654 – pounded on the floor, so much so that all the furniture was shaking and even the structure shook. At the same time, witnesses to this atrocity of the evil doha they only saw his hand, which was pounding its fist against floor.
Another case from the same XVII century. That time in the bedroom of one Suddenly someone began to knock from the houses of England. The hosts took candles and went to check what it is. Entering the room, household saw that only one hand with a hammer flies in the air, which she knocks on the bed. With the approach of people, the hand disappeared like, however, and a hammer. The owners checked the bed – empty, no hands, no they did not find a hammer. However, when they began to leave bedroom, someone invisible threw a hammer in the middle of the room. The hammer was recognized, but that’s how he got into the bedroom – it remains a riddle.
Poltergeist in the form of individual hands has repeatedly appeared in the member’s house Swiss National Council M. Joller in the second half of XIX century. For example, on August 20, 1862, the owner with his wife and son had breakfast at about ten in the morning. Suddenly, someone became at the door persistently drum. The door ultimately opened itself themselves, and all those present for a moment noticed a hand, who discovered it, which immediately disappeared. Three days later, Ioller lay down on the bed and even dozed off, when suddenly to his left temple someone touched, as if twisting the hair on his head. Thinking what it is, perhaps his wife wakes him, the man grabbed his hand, but she somehow deftly twisted and retired to the window, and the arm was without a body …
Why does a poltergeist show only hands?
In 1871, something similar happened in the house of a Russian landowner A.V. Shchapova. His wife first heard a knock on the window, and then she saw outside, the knocking handle itself is almost a child’s palm. Exactly she, tender, with small transparent nails, and drummed in glass. These knocks continued in the landowner’s house and beyond. Once he decided to catch an invisible joker and abruptly burst into his wife’s room, where did the knock come from? Burst and … dumbfounded, because on the floor a children’s hand was played, tapping with cubes, she immediately bounced off toys and scattered on the blanket of Shchapov’s sleeping wife. He woke up spouse, but under the covers no child or at least his hands are not it turned out.
A photo from open sources
The mysterious translucent hands of the ghost were also observed. English scientist W. Crookes (W. Crookes, 1832-1919), and this occurred at the medium’s session:
At one point, William recalled, graceful, whether female, or children’s hand appeared as if from the air and handed I have a flower that stood in a vase on the dining table. And so she appeared three times, and this happened in the afternoon in bright light, the only thing that was next to me was a medium, who, apparently, contributed to the appearance of this cute pen.
Another time, the scientist saw two hands, again children’s, which seemed to play with each other, then they approached They pulled William for his clothes and … disappeared.
True, similar stories could be heard from modern poltergeist witnesses, however reliable descriptions cannot be found succeeded, but fictional stories with creepy hands of ghosts on all kinds of resources with horror stories more than enough. Unfortunately on such online platforms to separate the grain from the chaff practically impossible …