A photo from open sources
When we hear the word “ghost”, we probably immediately imagine human spirit, materialized for any reason on our mortal land. However, it’s no secret to anyone that in the world ghosts of trees, ships (for example, famous Flying Dutchman), trains, cars, structures and even entire cities. It seems that even that never been alive.
According to American John Coster, he has evidence that even a ghostly one is found in the world footwear. Many years ago, then still a single resident of Midwest City visited the city of Tulsa in Oklahoma and photographed as a keepsake Fountain in Bartlett Square Square. It happened in the early fall of 1985 of the year. Three decades later, a man considered received then pictures with his wife, and his chosen one unexpectedly noticed nearby the fountain itself is translucent boots.
I was just amazed, says Bonfire, in the picture. thirty years ago, ownerless boots are clearly visible, moreover translucent, ephemeral. Let me remind you that there wasn’t “Photoshop” and other photo editors. Yes, I still have the film, if there are Thomas unbelievers, they may turn to negativity snapshot. Just amazing! I remember very well that I did not notice then nothing out of the ordinary. I was a student, walking alone around Tulsa center, photographed attractions. Waited bye no one will be near the fountain, and took this picture.
American posted a mysterious image on social Reddit news site, where it sparked heated debate among regulars of the resource. Many users liked the theory of about the paranormal nature of the boots, other commentators began to look for a logical explanation. Most skeptics considered that such an effect appeared as a result of the fact that a certain a man walked near the fountain, while John took pictures with slow shutter speed. However, why the picture then captured passer’s shoes? Some users have suggested that the lights in the lower part of the fountain, illuminated boots, acted as flash lamps, so the shoes appeared on the film, but the light is not hit the owner of the boots, and for this reason he remained invisible for the camera.
However, no one can say exactly what it is. Spouses of Bonfire prefer to believe that John thirty years ago managed to photograph the ghostly boots that walked in the center Tulsa and could be captured only in photographs, but in no way human vision.