Ghosts – a reflection of human thoughts

Nightmares, what is it? From the point of view of the official medicine, everything is very simple. Is this or the result too warm friendly drinking or a consequence of a clear mental disorder person. But, unfortunately, this is not so much an answer as recognition its complete incompetence.

A photo from open sources

Let’s try to figure out: whose ghosts are at home and scare people, not always, but sometimes still succeed for sure to establish: whom the man saw in the twilight of the night. For example, what story happened to Moscow diggers who went down to old basement of the N.V. Ambulance Institute Sklifosovsky, which in the distant past was the strange house of the count Sheremetyeva. Under the once almshouse huge abandoned basements are preserved, which once two fearless dungeon explorers huddled in. They found a sealed door with a rusted lock, cleverly opened it and found themselves in a huge vaulted basement. But to investigate it is not could. Before they could take a few steps, they heard over a rustle. The daredevils raised their heads and saw with fear first someone’s hand came in through the ceiling, then a leg and, under end, a female silhouette slowly “floated” into the basement. Diggers rushed escape from the basement and came to their senses only in the emergency room of the hospital. However, there they were even more frightened: a body lay on a gurney a dead woman whose ghost they just saw in the dungeon. But to meet a ghost or phantom of a deceased person, it’s not necessary to climb into the mysterious gloomy basements. Navigator Nikolai Merkulov returned home after a long swimming, gathered friends, relatives to celebrate his arrival. And everything was fine until someone suddenly decided to remember the owner’s mother-in-law, who died when he was swimming. Woman she was good, so all the guests together drank and sincerely wished that her land was rest in peace. And … suddenly silence reigned in the room, In a dark doorway leading into the next room arose white translucent silhouette. It was the ghost of a mother-in-law. Suddenly the room lit up by a bright flash. This is one of the guests decided to take a picture the incredible appearance of a dead woman. Frightened guests hastily parted, and Nikolai the rest of the night could not sleep. To him everything it seemed that the ghost was still in the apartment, but became invisible. In the morning a guest appeared who managed to press the trigger camera before the ghost disappeared. At home, he showed film and was surprised to find a transparent figure on the negative the ghost of the deceased.

What did the camera of the unabashed guest fix? For example, modern Canadian neurophysiologist Michael Persinger expressed the following theory, explaining, in his opinion, the appearance of ghosts, and the possibility of reflecting them on film. Almost all visions, the physiologist believes, are due to electrical stimulation of certain parts of the human brain. Exit phenomena from the body of ghosts occur at the time of clinical death. They can interpreted as the last “sigh” of a dying brain created by it last electrical impulses. But perhaps ghosts have another origin. Photos of ghosts appearing during some seances at the end of the 19th century, the researcher of incredible phenomena A. Aksakov was interested. By his opinion, a very interesting observation, allowing to make the assumption of the origin of ghosts was described in 1869 a famous scholar of spiritualism, Mac Neb. During one experimenter, photographing the phenomena accompanying him, got a picture of a ghost girl who appeared next to a medium, being in a lethargic state. When Mac Neb showed him photograph of a ghost, the medium recognized in it an ancient drawing, which many years ago he was struck by his imagination. It was an image. girls who have arisen in a state of trance in the imagination of a medium, which in some incomprehensible way fixed the camera. Aksakov’s assumption that ghosts are a reflection thoughts of a person in a trance, and what they are capable of materialize into an object whose appearance can be captured on photos, confirms the research. In the mid 70s years of the XX century psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev with the help of the camera began to record visions of patients suffering mental disorders. As a “device” for such experiments, he used a mask for scuba diving, to which attached a camera. About half of the subjects on a fairly distinct image appeared in the photograph hallucinatory images of patients. Similar experiences are completely independently conducted and the American psychologist Julius Aikzenbud. Pointing the lens of the Polaroid camera to the eyes of a person, possessing psychic abilities, the researcher suggested him to think about a specific object. In most cases, on a distinct image of this subject or person. Unlike Krokhalev during the Eiksenbudu experiments managed to make a very interesting discovery – the image on film often appeared in cases where the camera was not directed to the pupils of a person. And another observation of Eisenbud, which will help to deal with the phenomenon of ghosts. Impact psychic to the film, manifested in the clarity of the image, was more when he was in a state of mild intoxication. Such a seemingly strange effect of alcohol on ability human exposure to the film can be understood. Many extrasensory properties of a person, for example, proscopy – foresight of the future, manifest when it is in a state trance. Therefore, the famous Greek temples, famous for their forecasters, often located in the mountains, near crevices, from which abyssal gases rose to the surface, exerting stupefying effects on priests. Emerging as a result exposure to psychic ghosts reflected sensitive film or directly perceived by some people, Ufologists called “thought forms” or “thought images”. As a result of numerous observations, they concluded that thought forms are not just voluminous pictures, they are saturated with certain information, emotions and endowed with their own, independent of the originating them human being. For example, they can be implemented in nearby people and exert a certain influence on them. And here is what thinks about the relationship between people and the mental images generated by them famous parapsychologist Lyudmila Baranova: “… studies have shown that film is capable of capturing our mental images. These experiments prove that human thought directly or indirectly – through any physical processes, capable of materialize so much that it is fixed by instruments, and sometimes eyes of people. If we assume that this is the case, then many phenomena find a reasonable explanation. For instance, numerous stories about ghosts, brownies and other evil spirits. After all, these may be “materialized visions” born nightmares or inflamed human imagination. “So, thought forms or mental images exist not only in the inflamed brain alcoholics falling into a state close to trance. Once arising under the influence of a strong human experience, they continue to exist independently for a while entities. The duration of this existence depends on energy recharge that they get. Such a recharge occurs most intensively in various anomalous zones of the earth, in which its energy is unloaded. From this point of view can explain, for example, the numerous phenomena occurring in the famous Perm triangle. Huge creatures, two meters high, visible by some researchers at dusk, discomfort, experienced by them, as if from a malevolent glance, obscure silhouettes captured on camera traps are not signs at all the presence of a snowman in the Perm triangle, and thought forms created by expeditioners themselves and reinforced exposure to the energetically active zone.


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