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Great Thomas Edison once dreamed of creating a special apparatus that would allow to speak with the spirits of dead people. Current scientists are looking for the opportunity not only to communicate, but also see these ethereal creatures.
Researcher Sergey Volkov has been studying broadcasting since light. “It should be noted that in a number of countries such “TV shows” have long been fixed by lovers of the study of subtle of the world. To date, the amount of such material in the hundreds of meters of film. For example, Klaus Schreiber, engineer from the city of Aix-la-Chapelle (Germany), on the TV screen managed fix even Louis the Second Bavarian and Albert Einstein’s.
As Sergey Volkov says, he is in his laboratory with colleagues assembled the installation with which the ghost of a person can be called up on a television screen. True, instead of the word “ghosts,” the scientist uses such a definition as subtle anomalies – PLO. TV shows from the afterlife are not clear, says Volkov. At best, someone’s appearing on the screen blurry faces. In addition, sometimes you have to spend up to six “sessions” in order to see something that lasts only one instant.
A photo from open sources
Volkov demonstrates his miracle TV, tuning it to white ripples: the channel must be free from broadcast. Opposite the TV, two mirrors and a video camera are installed. After that, the thing belonging to the deceased person is taken. it may be his fountain pen, comb, shirt or even cropped hair or nails.
The thing is placed between the camera and the TV. Such an item serves a kind of resonator, an accelerator of the process, because it emits certain vibrations (not yet studied by science) that attract a subtle essence into physical reality.
Isn’t it a bit like witchcraft rituals? However, colleagues from abroad use such a definition as “resonance loop method.”
… The monitor screen shows us the outlines of a girl, from the shoulder which some fabric falls … Volkov says that young the beauty is actually his grandmother who recently went into the world different.
According to the scientist, it is not surprising that the dead come in the form that they had in the best years of life. Wolves also explained why we do not see these energy clots: they are beyond our perception. Human eye can distinguish waves only from red to purple, and ghosts are beyond these boundaries. That’s why they often fall into the frame of the cameras, while the person himself does not sees.
A photo from open sources
Sergey Volkov says that he and his colleagues are trying to bring closer paranormal science to traditional science. To this end, scientists together with students, they go through villages, collect local folklore about goblin and house, angels and demons. They also form an archive photo and video materials (validity confirmed specialists), which depict various phenomena, to for example, UFOs or cemetery “fiendish lights.” Scientists create devices that allow you to scientifically explain the existence PLO.
Volkov showed several photographs with the image ghosts. These photos were once presented to a specialist – professional photographer Vyacheslav Pashkin, who recognized them authenticity. The photographer stated that he cannot explain the appearance in frame of “ghosts”, but convinced: this is not a fake.