Photos from open sources of
The video that we bring to your attention appeared in Facebook social network with the headline “A man has an unexpected guest. “There is no explanation, neither when nor where did it happen. Even authorship (John Lockett) – says nothing to users Networks, because it’s not clear whether he himself removed it and put it in the Internet, or just somewhere downloaded the video and “threw” in the form entertaining stuff.
The video captures a sleeping man who suddenly out of the window peeps ghost. Perhaps for this reason the owner is sleeping very restlessly, constantly tossing and turning, and finally wakes up.
A photo from open sources
A man gets up, does something with a mobile phone, rather just checks the mail, and then drinks water. At this time, a ghost watching him again, but now into the viewing window that leads to another room. But the man does not notice anything at first. And when accidentally raises his eyes from a glass of water, then just shies in side and, most likely, falls, and then runs away (the camera could not catch everything in your lens).
Most Facebook users are obviously and You, considered that this is a staged video, a fake. Even that for some reason the ghost uses windows, but cannot go through the wall seemed strange to many (though, why?) But not in that essence. Another is surprising – a shameful interest people to this fake, serious thoughts on whether whether this, and even the comments of those who believe that everything was so, as filmed on a video surveillance camera.
The fact is that subconsciously we all feel (or maybe even we know) that ghosts surround us and are constantly somewhere beside. These are not necessarily such horror stories, probably most often then the good spirits of our near and dear ones who have already died, but having the opportunity to visit us sometimes. They do not interfere in our life, do not show themselves to the eye and even very rarely fall into lenses of surveillance cameras. But we feel them.
Even if it’s a fake, the author took it quite realistically that, perhaps, he himself once saw or noticed out of the corner of his eye. Of course he was scared why the video turned out without fail terrible, although in fact, it is possible that to him at that moment his most beloved relative came, say, grandfather’s spirit or grandmothers, touched the shoulder of the “dear little man”, stroked his head and … gone home …