Ghosts around and around

Ghosts around and everywherePhotos from open sources

As one of the esotericists said, if humanity truly believed that it was constantly under the gaze of those or other entities, not to mention God, the world would be radically changed for the better.

Unfortunately, a person is too realistically perceives that illusion, in which it is located, and even when modern cameras capture “otherworldly shadows”, that is, ghosts, and everywhere and everywhere, human consciousness in every possible way opposes to the end to believe into the existence of parallel worlds, one of which is the world dead.

Our mind constantly clings to some received from childhood “truths.” For example, even if ghosts exist, they certainly appear only at night and, moreover, only in the most “scary” places, say, in a cemetery. However modern cameras capture phantoms of a parallel world, that is, ghosts anytime, anywhere. And this can serve as confirmation the video below, the author of which shot a ghost sitting on shops on a very ordinary sunny day, and not anywhere closer to a graveyard, and in a park, almost in the center of a bustling city.

As many witnesses say, they are with a simple eye often notice such phantoms in broad daylight. Usually, most often they are fixed by the so-called side vision, therefore, when a person turns his head to the shadow that he has caught from parallel world, he does not see anything.

However, there are more striking cases when people don’t see, but they feel someone invisible touching them, say, hand or cheek, not to mention that there were cases in which ghosts even knocked people down. And to feel someone’s gaze from the back (if you turn around – nobody is there) – it must have experienced each.

Esotericists say that ghosts should not be afraid, in in most cases they are not aggressive, but even the most malicious phantom poltergeist is, as a rule, does no harm to everyone and everyone, bringing destruction to this world. It’s rather some kind of an anomaly, say, like a tornado. Moreover, humanity has accumulated certain experience in dealing with similar phenomena …

Parallel Worlds

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