Photo from open sources And this phenomenon is becoming almost everyday already for us. For example, Kaliningrad Anna took pictures of her friends in ancient church of St. Jacob in the village of Znamensk. Moreover, no one at first I didn’t notice anything, just on a small screen of a smartphone one shot seemed unsuccessful, had to be re-shot.
But at home, when the pictures began to be viewed on the monitor computer, it suddenly turned out that on the “failed” photo a ghost was captured, it looks like it was a ghost of a soldier. Having posted a picture of a ghost on social networks, Anna was surprised found that a lot of people showed great interest in him people.
And they are interested in how those who believe in such manifestations of spirits through photos and videos, and those who supposedly do not believe in either God or hell. However, for some reason, the latter do not pass by, just like that you still need to “kick and spit” something or someone.
Moreover, after Anna posted the picture on the Web, the church in Znamensk suddenly became very popular. However everyone who tried there to remove the ghost, were somewhat disappointed. Yes and it’s hard to expect that the ghost of a soldier will begin to specially pose for all who wants to take a picture of him. True, some did something, for example, a girl who filmed the darkest nooks and crannies Kirche.
A photo from open sources
As for the video, then in this case ghosts are most often fall on surveillance cameras, that is, they appear at moments when no one specifically removes them. Watch, for example, a video, made using an auto-recorder installed on the machine one Krasnodar. The driver stopped the car late at night in quite a deserted place, came out “out of need” to the side of the road, and the camera continued to shoot the road and “saw” something strange …