Ghosts of monarchs

The burden of power is a heavy burden. And earthly affairs, and also numerous sins committed in the name or against, do not let go many monarchs even after death. And if the king’s death оказалась насильственной… Ghosts of the MonarchsФото изopen source BOYS IN WHITE

Of course, the “champion” in the number of ghost-kings (and not only kings) is the good old England. Although, is it kind? So, in 1483, two crown princes disappeared in the Tower: the duke York, 9 years old, and 12-year-old Prince Edward V. These two the boys were the main “obstacle” to the throne for their uncle, the duke Gloucester, which after the disappearance of princes became king Richard III. Of course, people have always been able add up “two plus two” and rumors that the duke ordered to kill boys spread immediately throughout England. Newly appeared the king in every way denied involvement in the disappearance legitimate heirs and their possible death. However the truth came up outward in the literal sense of the word: in a fortress where they disappeared Crown princes, many began to see the ghosts of two boys, who silently sailed through the air, holding hands. And these swam unfortunate ghosts around the fortress for almost two hundred years, until in 1674, during repairs in the Tower, in one of the secret rooms not discovered two small skeletons. By order of King Charles II their buried in Westminster Abbey, and since then innocently the slain princes stopped worrying the living. HEINRICH AND FAMILY However, not all regal ghosts are so calm and quiet. For example, the ghost of King Henry VIII, in whom there were 8 wives, most of whom ended badly, always appears before a thunderstorm, it itself rumbles like thunder peals. He, by the way, belongs to the rarest type of ghosts, from which instead grave cold radiates heat. Those who have come across this a ghost, experienced horror and wild depression. Here is how it describes one eyewitness met his formidable phantom: “In a distant gallery loud steps were heard … It seemed that he was walking heavy giant. The steps of the giant are getting closer, its heavy is heard breath. Suddenly lightning flashed, her light illuminated the figure of the king. On the his head was a crown, he was chained in armor. Burned him with anger eyes … With the approach of Henry we felt that from him heat comes from the stove … “The unfortunate wives of this king, too found a “second life” as ghosts. Most horrible looks like the ghost of Anna Boleyn, executed on charges of marital treason. The ghost of the queen often walks through the park in the palace Hampton Court, but may occur in unexpected places in the the castle, carrying the severed head under the arm. May 19, on his day execution, the ghost of Anna appears in the Tower in the form of a woman in white, who, with his severed head in her hands, roams the prison. there is evidence as in 1874 one of the Tower guards tried pierce the terrible spirit with a bayonet, but the blade pierced only the air. In that the same day the ghost of the queen is seen in Blickling Hall. True sight it’s not for the faint of heart: the headless queen is racing in a carriage, harnessed by four headless horses, and keeps on his knees your head. By the way, it was noticed that in the years when the day of the execution of Anna Boleyn coincides with the full moon, her images fade on portraits, and inside the castle you can hear muffled moaning and female screams. Most likely, the execution on May 19, 1536 occurred on the full moon. Again, in Hampton, you can encounter the ghost of the fourth wife Henry VIII – Catherine Howard, who also folded her head on scaffold. The ghostly queen always runs towards the chapel, the door of which turns and screams terribly. As described chronicles, learning about the charge, Catherine rushed to the chapel to pray for have mercy. Perhaps in Hampton with the first two ghosts the ghost of another Henry’s wife, Jane Seymour, who died from childbirth. They say the king loved her. Although what kind of love can go speech, when during childbirth it turned out that doctors can save only one thing: either a mother or a child, and Henry shouted: “Save child, wives I will find as many as you like! “? Usually the spirit of Jane Seymour appears on the anniversary of the birth of her son, heir to the throne Edward XI, and then you can see Queen Jane soaring in long white clothes, holding a burning candle in his hands. HOLIDAY HABITAT Generally, the palace Hampton Court is the center of ghosts. One of the premises of the palace even called the Ghost Gallery – so often they are found here. Moreover, since 1800, a special book was even opened in the castle, where all cases of ghost sightings are noted. There is a record there and Queen Victoria But the “grandmother” of the living, fortunately, is not worries. However, without it, there are many “willing”. For instance, now-alive Princess Margaret periodically dated the ghosts of King Charles I and Queen Elizabeth I. Last, By the way, prefers a library. One of the windows of the castle is often seen the pale face of George II looking at a weather vane. This king died from a heart attack when he was waiting for important documents from Germany. Crazy during the life of George III after death began to drive crazy alive. His noisy ghost, settled in Windsor, adores to watch the members of the royal family and scare them with their appearance. Princess Diana even had one such “meeting” mental breakdown. NUDE GHOST But in the English town of Coventry sometimes declares a ghost nude riders who rides in the middle of the night on a snow-white horse. At of life it was the well-known lady Godiva, wife of the Duke Leofric, the ruler of the small kingdom of Mercia, which was located on the site modern Leicestershire. As you know, she rode naked on horses through the streets so that the husband agrees to lower taxes for the townspeople. The ghost of a lady is a rather rare “guest”. Usually he appears before serious disasters – wars, epidemics, disasters, as if warning. For example, Godiva’s ghost was seen in September and October 1940 before the terrible bombing, which almost completely destroyed the city. FREE BUT YAVNY Russian palaces are also full of ghosts of the departed kings. So, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, wife of Nicholas II, in she often mentioned in letters that royal palaces in Petersburg are visited ghosts of Russian rulers. Among the most striking can be called the spirit Ivan the Terrible. His ghost also appears on the eve of the great shocks. Phantom arises in the glow of a flame with luminous eyes. The ghost of Ivan the Terrible was seen throughout 1894 years when Nicholas II ascended the throne (throne for sites – promotion of sites in the top). In particular, he himself wrote that Ivan the Terrible appeared to him and Empress Alexander on the eve of the coronation in Kremlin, in the Assumption Cathedral. They also say that against the backdrop of the Kremlin the walls often shine “blurred outlines of the figure of the impostor False Dmitry. The first ghost report appeared in 1819 Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg. Workshops during reconstruction began to swear that they saw a short man in a cocked hat and boots that seep through the walls, pacing around corridors and threatens with a working fist. These descriptions are exactly the same as the appearance of Emperor Paul I. By the way, now they wander around St. Petersburg rumors that the monument erected in the yard of Mikhailovsky (Engineering) castle of Paul I, “bad”: sitting bronze in the afternoon the emperor unpleasantly and quite meaningfully drills his eyes visitors, and at night rises from the pedestal and walks around the castle. ANGEL OF DEATH WITHOUT FACE Empress Catherine II and Anna Ioannovna saw her own ghosts before death. However not everyone knows that these were not ghosts in the generally accepted sense of this word, and … Angel of Death. This, by the way, is one of the earliest ghosts of St. Petersburg, which in 1721 even mentioned in his to Louis XV Marquis de Torsi, French Ambassador to Russia. In particular, the Marquis described an unpleasant scene that happened during ball, organized by Peter I in honor of the proclamation of emperor All-Russian. One of his crackers, Princess Rzhevskaya, is ugly and drunk, she suddenly screamed terribly in the midst of universal joy, changing in the face. And then she grated ominously: “I feel it, Angel Death flies over the Neva Blat. He is feminine, which constantly changing aki Proteus. And before whom he appears, he immediately learns the whole truth about himself. “They say that one of the young ladies who became witness of the “performance”, suddenly sobbed and ran out of the hall. This lady was … Anna Ioannovna. Perhaps it is with the angel Death was “lucky” to meet the poet Alexei Apukhtin, who served as an official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs whose building was built exactly on the site of the former palace of Anna Ivanovna. He wrote in a letter to a friend: “… Imagine my condition when in the opposite end of the corridor saw a creepy lady dressed in fashion last century, approaching me! At first I thought it’s someone’s jokes, but, looking at her face, I almost lost my mind: features were elusive. They were changing rapidly before our eyes. Reaching the middle of the corridor, the vision has disappeared “…

Angels Time Life Russia

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