Photo from open sources
It is possible that Moscow is not as famous for its ghosts as London, and the signs “Beware of the ghost!” on its streets there. But there are no less ghosts in the capital of our Motherland. You can believe in ghosts, but you can not believe. Some frankly laugh when someone claims to have met a ghost, twist a finger at the temple. And continue to show their disbelief until they themselves have to face the restless in spirit. And then many of them radically change their minds. One of Moscow’s most famous ghost is the Black Monk. The place of his habitat, he chose Aleshkinsky forest, located near the metro station “Planernaya”. Most often a ghost appears in damp but warm weather during rain. Those to whom had a chance to see the Black monk, describe him as a ghost of high growth, with a thin, emaciated face, having a bluish-white tint. Usually he appears from the side of Kurkin and silently moves along Alesha Forest. Dogs do not bark at him, when he appears birds fly apart. There is a belief that the appearance of a ghost The black monk is a harbinger of impending disaster. Residents argue that in no case can he be hailed, and even more so, talk to him. Otherwise, you can call on yourself and your loved ones misfortune. The ghost of the “Fatal Mother” is no less known. He is met on Nikulinskaya street, not far from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Drivers driving along the street sometimes hear a female voice, humming a lullaby. And before their eyes, instead of the road, by which they ride, a beautiful garden pops up in which a young girl, with a baby in her arms, quietly swinging on a swing. it so bewitching that the driver, losing control, crashes to oncoming lane. Rarely then who remains alive. It is they and talked about Fatal Mom. And accidents happen on this street often.On Malaya Nikitskaya street, not far from the house where he used to live Beria, many heard the sound of an approaching car and saw a small luminous dot. The sound freezes near Beria’s house. Hear how someone gets out of an invisible car and speaks softly, apparently with a driver. Then the noise of the operating engine and the car leaves. Zamoskvorechye has long had the glory of a bad place. And many witnessed the appearance at night translucent cats. A lot of them. They appear from one wall, cross the street and disappear into another wall. Accidentally caught on their path, an eyewitness most often falls, losing consciousness. At Myasnitskaya the street there is an unremarkable multi-story pre-revolutionary building the buildings. It is located next to the shop. Tea. Coffee. Once upon in its place stood the house in which the Kusovnikovs lived. Famous they are their wealth and amazing stinginess. They say that at night The Kusovnikovs took the box with their savings, sat in convertible and rode the streets of Moscow, trying to save wealth from thieves. But once, leaving in one of their estates, they hid casket in the closet. And it was at that place that the janitor made a fire. Having returned, the Kusovnikovs discovered that all their savings burned out. The old woman died on the spot, and the old man took a long time to the city authorities returned the burned bank notes to him, but to no avail. Now on Myasnitskaya met the ghost of an old man Kusovnikov, wandering in a long coat and wailing: “Oh, money, my money! “. According to rumors, twice a month on Tver appears the ghost of a huge black cat. Like cats Pyatnitskaya street, he leaves the wall of one of the buildings and goes into the wall of another. Among the inhabitants, he is known as the hippo cat. Apparently to many, the ghost resembles the character of Bulgakov’s novel. He was seen so many people that the cat was listed in the International Directory of ghosts. On the corner of Sretenka and Daeva Lane for many years in a row a ghost appears in the form of a huge black shadow. He reaches second floor. There is documentary evidence that his seen back in 1920. In the archives of the FSB-KGB-GPU there is a report note about a meeting with a ghost of two organ workers. They are escorted the detainee and, seeing a huge silhouette, began to shoot him from the guns. The ghost didn’t bring harm to the ghost, but the arrested man managed to escape. On this occasion, and was written memo. On the canvas of the Gorky highway, as in the line the city, and behind it, sometimes comes a terrible, sloppy dressed bearded man. He stands on the sidelines and waves his hand. If the driver stops the car nearby, the man says the phrase: “Forgive me, good man! “According to legend, he must answer,” God will forgive! “and leave immediately. It is believed that this ghost was a murderer that killed more than a hundred people. In Russia, none of scientists will not study the phenomenon of ghosts. Member of the Commission pseudoscience, Yuri Efremov, believes that there is nothing to investigate. A meanwhile, people continue to encounter ghosts. And they don’t know even how to behave when meeting with them. Cat Life Drivers Moscow, Russia