Grandmother sent her granddaughter a selfie from the next world

Churches in Skurtesti in southern Romania flooded parishioners after of a local woman claiming the ghost of her late grandmother photographed himself on her cell phone. “When I picked up the phone, I was terrified to see on the screen the face of my late grandmother, “- says 34-year-old Gina Mihai.

According to the woman, something was wrapped around the neck of the deceased like a snake. In general, the photo looked like it was taken through the hole, as if the grandmother was shot through a hole in the fabric, separating the world of the living from the world of the dead.

Grandmother sent her granddaughter a selfie from the other worldA photo from open sources

Taking the picture, the woman went to the fortuneteller, who told her that this is her grandmother sending messages from the other side. Snake around neck, allegedly, is a symbol of the fact that she was punished in another life for his transgressions.

“Turning to us, she wanted to say that we should pray for her and that we can still save her soul, “Gina said in Mail Online interview.

After reporting from the other side, Mihai and her family spent a large part of his time in church in prayers along with dozens of others families who were horrified by the likelihood that the neck of their dead relatives are also entwined with snakes.

In Romania there is a memorial day within which people go to cemeteries and give food to the spirits of the dead relatives. In fact, food is distributed to the poor at the end of the day, but this gesture is seen as supporting those who have died and are now is in the afterlife.

“My grandmother died three years ago and I did not bring any food for her in the cemetery. When her appeared on my phone photography, I made donuts. Trying not to get my phone dirty, I I put it in my pocket, and when I took it, there was this image, “- said Mihai.

The fortuneteller told the woman that her grandmother contacted her during cooking is not just that and since then Mihai has been carrying donuts to cemetery every day. As another relative of the deceased said, the priest advised the family to attend church and cemetery for 40 days, to compensate for all the time that they missed.

“We want her soul to be saved and we will do everything for this”, – he concluded.

Snake Time

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