Photos from open sources of
A traveler from Australia recently visited the ancient Welsh Abbikumayr monastery and stole a tiny stone from there. Now now the tourist wanted to return the stolen historical artifact, since this “impudent crime” cost him too much. Unknown the man claims that after the theft he began Chase the creepy phantom of the decapitated prince.
Aussie sent an anonymous letter to the monastery’s administration, which told his curious story. The envelope was also the same pebble the size of a acorn is enclosed. According to a traveler, he is very ashamed that he robbed the fortress 12th century. The foreigner claims to have done this exclusively due to his passion for Welsh history however bring to even such a small piece of foreign culture turned out to be a big homeland a mistake.
It was worth a tourist to get this souvenir, as he immediately showers of failure. In addition, the man began to notice in his house a real native from the next world. Translucent human figure headless periodically materialized in different rooms, terrifying our hero. The history buff thought it was the ghost of the last independent ruler of Wales, Llewelyn up Grifid, who died in 1282 during the battle for this area. The British chopped off the head of the prince and brought to London. They wore it there solemnly through the streets for the amusement of the public.
A photo from open sources
Abbikumaira administrators placed an Australian letter under glass and put it at the entrance to the fortress – apparently, in edification to other thieves. It remains to be hoped that after this sincere remorse the spirit of the headless Welsh ruler finally stopped terrorizing the Australian tourist. True, nobody knows this with accuracy yet, but in the wave it is possible that a lover of Welsh history will still tell the museum, and therefore to us, about this …