History of the Cursed Culbertson Mansion

The Story of the Cursed Culbertson MansionPhotos from open sources of

Culbertson Mansion (Indiana, USA) is known as the damned. It is believed that the souls of his deceased owners dwell in the old building, who will never let new residents die at home. Maybe that’s why 28 years ago, in a mysterious mansion was opened horror ride – people in a damned place that still kept the memory of terrible events of the past, they no longer wanted to settle.

In 1888, a wooden building, not yet known legendary haunted house hit by a blow lightning bolts. The house ignited, and the family inside died in the fire. Since then, the mansion has gained notoriety: local residents were convinced that the restless souls of the dead roam house, and bypassed the tenth side of the building damaged in the fire.

In 1933, a certain Harold Webb bought the mansion – alien prejudice and mystical superstitions doctor moved to New Albany with his family and decided to practice at home. Not a month after the Webb family took over the mansion Culbertson, as guests from another, other world, have already given about know yourself. Children often told parents that at night from the walls of their room goes “black man”, scaring them to fainting state. The doctor did not pay attention for a long time to the tales of their sons, considering the creepy night visitor a fruit childish imagination, however there was really something wrong with the house, scary ghost or some other strange things constantly gave about know yourself.

A photo from open sources

From the basement, in which the new owners did not dare to look, we heard strange sounds like a clang of a chain, and sometimes reminiscent of human screams. Through the floorboards of the lower rooms a sickening, rotten smell seeped on the floor. once Harold Webb at the request of his wife still went down to the basement, but left from there, informed the family that there was nothing unusual under the house could not find. The eternal complaints of children and wife claiming that a strange mansion scares them, the doctors were only led into annoyance and unbalanced state. Over time, he became rude the patients he received at home could not talking with his wife and almost did not notice his sons. Highly soon the doctor began to resemble a paranoid obsessed with a certain idea.

Police visited the Webb family several times: law enforcement informed Harold that his patients were disappearing without a trace, and asked the doctor if he knew anything about this, what the man always answered in the negative. One year after the new tenants settled in a damned house, they suffered a terrible fate – all family members were brutally murdered; the police couldn’t find one who committed this bloody crime. Upon inspection of the mansion however, a terrible secret was revealed: a network was discovered under the house underground tunnels that could be reached through secret basement doors. Here, Dr. Webb, as it turned out, kept his captive patients and put terrible medical ones over them experiments.

All of the foregoing is fully authentic and captured in police reports, although the history of the mansion is reminiscent of modern thriller with elements of mysticism. Much remains in this story. obscure, and obviously that will never be revealed and understood … But for a horror ride – you can’t think of a better place. Here only who and how will provide the equipment in it security? ..

Time Fires

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