Horror, and nothing more …

Horror, and nothing more ...Photos from open sources

Released at the beginning of last year, a new Hollywood film about other world “Paranormal: Mark of the Devil”, you can now, after a year, it has proved to be the weakest of all previous four episodes. At least reviews about him on the Internet throughout 2014, they met this definition.

The question is – why? Is Hollywood Can’t Create nothing new in a single topic, so that it is not worse than the previous one? But take for example the movie “Terminator”, the second series of which, certainly surpassed the first. Is it really impossible to repeat moreover, not entirely in the art, but in the scientific film, and even in such an interesting topic? However, about the “Terminator” an example is not quite successful, since starting from the third series – completely nonsense and even outright nonsense. This was repeatedly said even by the actor himself Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger.

And what do they think about the film “Paranormal: The Devil’s Mark” experts – psychics, seers, fortune-tellers, folk healers? As it turned out, such people do not watch SUCH films. They just don’t interesting.

As one super-talented fortuneteller admitted to us, who even predicted our question, films similar to the picture “Paranormal phenomenon: Mark of the Devil “is created for the sake of money, but not for the sake of truth. And all that is done for the sake of money is emptiness. It is emptiness the fortuneteller wrote. If you want to understand the truth, even in paranormal (what a tricky word!), she said, gather bit by bit, it’s possible today even on the Internet, but purposefully and day after day. And such films are just entertainment. Horror movies and nothing more …


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