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Someone will say that Feng Shui is a philosophical practice of organization living space – is already outliving its own, at least in Europe, America and Australia. However, many will not agree with by this.
Today, Feng Shui, I must admit, is not as popular in the world as ten years ago, however, this does not mean that he doesn’t have supporters left. People used to always follow fashion, maybe and lost interest in Taoist teachings, however true fans this practice of arranging one’s living space is nowhere share it.
A photo from open sources
So, a small Sydney developer Phil Newman spent study and found that Australia has many citizens practicing feng shui. Buying real estate, such Australians are forced to perform costly redevelopment to Housing has acquired an energy-friendly view. Then Newman thought: why are these redevelopments necessary, when can you build houses right away in feng shui?
His company built four such cottages to begin with, and they are in the first week were acquired, however, by immigrants from Asia. Inspired by such success, the Sydney developer now intends to to build for their fellow citizens a whole quarter where all houses will be match feng shui. The company has already hired an experienced specialist Jessica Valencia with impressive Chinese knowledge philosophical teaching – feng shui. An expert will monitor each stage of work, not allowing builders to make the slightest mistakes.
Feng Shui Compliance Guaranteed Success
Jessica says that there are so many laws feng shui. For example, the back entrance should not be visible from the main entrance. The bathroom and kitchen cannot be located in the center of the house, however they also should not be next to each other. No stairs should look west, and the entrance to the bedroom of the spouses – north. In no case should the roof of the dwelling be skewed by one side. Internal doors must not be placed against each other. It is extremely undesirable to build a bedroom over the toilet or library over the kitchen. In the northwestern corner of the house you can not place a fireplace. A strictly opposite the front door, under no circumstances, there may be a tree or a pillar.
A photo from open sources
And this is only a small part of all the rules. According to Valencia, sometimes it is necessary to show remarkable ingenuity in order to complete all of them and get the perfect home as such layout, and also successfully tied to the terrain and others buildings around him.
Phil Newman plans to sell such cottages at standard price, without adding to the value of the property all your worries and expenses (for example, for the services of a Taoist learning specialist) about compliance with feng shui. The main advantage for him, as a developer, will be the fact that such a property will become more in demand than standard. Moreover, he is sure that his cottages will soon be like hot cakes not only among Asians, but also among other supporters ancient Chinese teachings and primarily among themselves Australians.