In Bolivia, a ghost came to football

A mystical figure was seen among sports spectators competitions in the city of La Paz Photo from open sources A shot from the local air Television Among spectators of a football match of the championship of Bolivia a mysterious ghost-like object was noticed. Those who I looked at the record of the meeting, now I’m wondering what exactly got into camera lenses. According to the Daily Mail, viewers watching match of local teams from the stands, apparently, did not notice in what is happening on the field and beyond is nothing unusual. A watching the broadcast of the match revealed among the fans mysterious figure. Something resembling a human shadow, headlong rushed along one of the stands, not noticing obstacles in the form of people and barriers between sectors. After a while, the silhouette disappeared into the crowd so trace his further movements It was not possible. To explain what happened is not slow motion playback of the captured episode also helped. IN In the near future, specialists will study the phenomenon.

Similar cases have already occurred in South American stadiums. So, Venezuelan fans previously claimed to have seen on the field during one of the ghost matches of the former president of the country, Hugo Chavez, who passed away a year ago. According to them, it is the support of the commandant helped them defeat rivals.



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