Photo from open sources
A mysterious video filmed on the VKontakte social network a few days ago in Nizhny Novgorod. On a record made in night time from the car DVR, at thirty the fifth second, a dark translucent figure is clearly visible, slowly crossing the street. Humanoid silhouette crosses the road and, presumably, dissolves in the air at the entrance to some store or restaurant.
The video below was collected on the VKontakte website several thousand views. It is worth noting that most users who leave their comments on the video are entirely believed in the reality of a ghost. Other commentators suggested that this is some kind of optical illusion or just a montage. Moreover, many regulars on the social network suspiciously noticed that right before the alleged phantom appears, the author of the video the registrar corrects, which may indirectly indicate staging.
A photo from open sources
The uploader claims that the ghost looks like a man in a cook’s clothes. However, this opinion is shared not all of his compatriots.
It is noteworthy that the record was analyzed by specialists in areas of video editing, however they, having achieved nothing, only spread out their hands. Like, it’s either a real ghost, or very workshop fake, but why would anyone ask, spend on such nonsense your time and energy? After all, the project is not commercial …