In the apartment of a resident of Don settled drummer

A photo from open sources

For more than three months now, at the entrance number 2 of a five-story building in Red Sulina is going on something that simply cannot be. …Already seeing me off, Valentina Sinyavina nods woefully at the ceiling baseboards in the hallway. They are smeared with something yellow. – It’s eggs in the hallway lay. And suddenly they began to fly up and fought under the ceiling, – she says. For more than three months now, at the entrance of the No. 2 five-story building at home in Krasniy Sulin what is happening is something that simply cannot be. “Sparks ran along the walls” … House number 26 on Bratskaya Street itself the most common. Still strong, good looking five-story building made of white and red brick. Well-worn asphalt in the yard, neat entrances. “It all started on December 5th,” explains, letting in apartment, pensioner Zinaida Dmitrievna PODGORNAYA. In that day, while it was still light outside, she suddenly exploded with noise and all light bulbs and chandeliers scattered included). And the whole apartment was covered with glass. Similar “miracles” occurred in about half of the apartments in the entrance. AND all December something strange was happening with the light: it went out, burned electrical appliances, people carried a burnt-out TV to a dump. Electric meters began to melt in mass and fail (although they are new, installed during overhaul), sockets burned. – Here at it’s not just the light that burned me out. And the whole cartridge with meat from the wall vomited, – Irina STEPANTSOVA brings to the arch in the kitchen. In the arch recess for light bulb: the whole cartridge is torn out with meat. Its like knocked out some small explosion. – So we are not at the cartridge for another two hours could touch: it was like boiling water, so hot – she explained. But most of all, the residents of apartment No. 28 were unlucky third floor. 17 years a veteran of labor lives in the apartment, in the past Social Worker Lidia Dmitrievna ZHUKOVA. However, when the apartment is essentially became “uncontrollable”, and the daughter actually settled there for a while Svetlana with her son-in-law. Sparks ran down the walls. Electric shock from the walls batteries, a kitchen sink, from a toilet bowl, a heated towel rail, etc. Sockets burned and melted, they were replaced – they melted into second time. And this was, as it turned out, only the beginning of trouble. Glasses scissors, hairbrushes flew … In January, electric poltergeist slightly declined, but from time to time still gave about know (house electricians examined dozens of times, but the reason burned-out appliances running along the walls of sparks were not detected). “We were relieved,” he says, sitting on the edge armchairs and looking at the floor, Valentina Sinyavina. … And in February it began unthinkable. “I’ll tell you in spirit,” Valentina says. Yuryevna. – When my mother first said that the remote control from TV … suddenly flew, my husband and I laughed. And then this It began to happen before our eyes: the remote control flew across the room. He’s flown and fought against the walls so much since then that he is barely alive. takes a remote control wrapped in tape from a coffee table. – started flying scissors, vases with sweets, tubes of cream … Part anomalies were happening in front of neighbors. – I remember, I went to Vale once, – recalls Irina Stepantsova, – and five centimeters above the floor, in air, the batteries from the remote are dancing. No, you will not forget this … – Or here I go to Mitrivna, sit, talk. Suddenly combing her rises from the closet and flies through the air, I was stupefied. Then such a miracle happened, ”picks up Zinaida Podgornaya. – I went to her with a phone in your pocket. I wanted to see what time it was. She took out her cell phone, and suddenly it vomited from my hands, threw it up to the ceiling, and then hit the floor. The case bent, broke … I had to buy a new phone … In a bad apartment, events developed in increasing order: in addition to flying objects, it became (not every day, and the waves – then nothing, then suddenly begins, explain hosts) jump containers with water – a bucket, a carafe … Water spills … Then chicken eggs left in trays in the hallway (Sinyavina’s electricity was asked to be cut off, the refrigerator was turned off, food is stored in the hallway, where it is cooler), suddenly they started to fly up and explode or beat against the front door, about the ceiling. Survivors carried to the balcony. An hour later, the same thing started: chicken eggs flew up and exploded with cotton, flooding the balcony windows and ceiling. Part of the ceiling with spots of yolks and pieces of adhering shell Valentina Yuryevna has not yet had time to wash. Contrary to the laws physicists … But on February 28th she was already really scared. She moved her mother to her a long time ago, she came to her mother’s apartment tidy up. – Already going to leave, suddenly I look: my boots, who took off in the hallway, danced. I was not surprised because a couple if this happened … But what started ONLY … You see the closet, – She nods at the empty sideboard behind me. – We are all from there. after that, the emergency was removed, the dishes, dinner sets are still with the neighbors. And then him suddenly it began to yank, ruffle. I rushed to him, trying to hold on. I’m holding it with one hand, I’m calling my husband with the other: “Victor, run here.” Washing the machine also began to bounce, capsized. And then our a cupboard and everything flew out – plates, forks, knives. Moreover knives swam scary – with the tips forward. Heavy wood cutting board flew into the corridor, fell in the hallway. Easy plastic flew, like dishes, right here into the room. The refrigerator went up. When her husband came running, Sinyavina called police: “Do not think I’m crazy, but what should we do ?!” And already at night, when the police outfit left, the neighbors dispersed (one of them also froze, seeing a galloping refrigerator) and Sinyaviny returned to yourself, they called: they say, come back, in your apartment again it rattles and gasps, and at the entrance there is a smell of gas. Sinyavin with a trembling hand opened the door: all rings on the gas stove were unknown to someone lit to the maximum, although the valve on the pipe was closed. … Valentine Sinyavina does not know where to seek help. She went to the police Ministry of Emergencies, Rospotrebnadzor. They answer her: “This is not our part,” “Call psychic “,” Sanctify the apartment. “A letter demanding to sort it out the residents of the entrance were assigned to the head of the Krasnosulinsky Administration district. … And people are frightened by calls from nowhere on a mobile phone Sinyavina. – I began to notice: mom already lived with me, suddenly a call comes from her to my mobile, she says quietly. – On the The screen lights up: “Mom.” I’m running to her, but she doesn’t call at all or generally sleeping. We took apart my mother’s phone, put it in a box Separate battery, SIM card, body parts. I gave this box Ira Stepantsova, who lives on the fifth floor. And calls from disassembled phone contrary to all laws of physics continue. -Valya recently came to see us, ”says Irina Stepantsova. – and her cellphone rings again. We look at the screen: “Mom”. Though the phone is disassembled in a box in the next room … P.S. The other day, to have evidence, the Sinyavins were put in an apartment camcorder. “The cause of the anomalies can be quite earthly” – I without any skepticism I relate to the phenomena that people complain about in Red Sulin. If there is their desire, we can examine both an apartment and a house, – said a mathematician, specialist in “AiF on Don” super complex systems, and in the past, a consultant to the Rostov police department areas of abnormal phenomena Vladimir MIROSHNIK. – Twice in his of life I have seen very similar manifestations. The first time it was 15 years back. The events took place in Chaltyr, in a private house. Then it there was a sensational story, which was also reported in the media. In the house all of a sudden household items, dishes began to fly. Personally before my eyes and on flew through the eyes of other people, slowly, through the air … leather “diplomat”. But there was a worse disaster than Krasnosulinsky – and spontaneous fires occurred. Suddenly started objects light up, and even those that don’t burn at all can, – unpainted concrete wall, etc. Fire truck there on duty around the clock. Another example is spontaneous fires. in a printing house in Semikarakorsk: a stack of paper suddenly by itself caught fire. Both I and other experts witnessed the flight items in a “bad apartment” in the Western district of Rostov. On the a cup flew before our eyes. The explanation is often quite earthly – activation of the geopathic zone (such zones are near the lines power lines, near water sources, railways and etc.) or a sharp change in the usual electromagnetic field. (Now Miroshnik is an employee of the laboratory of abnormal factors risk at the Rostov Civil Engineering University, which study in including the influence of anomalous zones on construction sites. -Edition). Why do objects fly? No matter how amazing it sounds, there is already evidence of this fact: a gross change electromagnetic radiation can cause telekinesis in humans – the ability (without realizing it) to mentally move objects. Moreover it is necessary to examine not only the apartment, but also the house: the reason may hide in some specific equipment that they use neighbors. It can also be existential phenomena. parallel worlds. But this is a separate and long conversation …

Water Time

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