In the arms of the Devil

When a woman sleeps alone, the devil thinks of her, “reads ancient wisdom. In Russia, single women became sexual the prey of a certain Fiery serpent, also called Lubac, Dragged, Loving. There are many associated with this strange creature. legends. Photo from open sources It was believed that he flies in the dark above the roofs houses and seeks out another victim, usually a single woman, long and severely yearning for her missing or dead husband. Flying into the house he liked through the chimney, the Fiery serpent right there turns into a handsome young man and spends the night with his the victim. Experts tend to believe that whoever it is creature, it has not stopped its hunt to this day. In practice psychotherapists have accumulated many episodes when patients talked about the appearance to them at night of their dead husbands. Moreover “guests from the next world” began to caress the most “reserved”, intimate, erogenous zones known only to them, delivering an abyss of pleasure, which did not always happen during life. Some women do were convinced that they continue an intimate life with those who went to the “best from the worlds “by marriage partners. In the traditional sense of experts such manifestations can only occur as a “fetus of sexual fantasies of hysterical personalities. “But this is strange – most of the patients experiencing such contacts observations of doctors, did not suffer from hysterical disorders. Among there were women with neurasthenia, some led to specialists protracted depression that arose as a reaction to the fact of the death of their husbands. But only. However, you should not think that only people with nervous upset or recent stress survivors are “doomed” to meetings with your deceased loved ones. Sexual machinations of the devil – favorite plot of medieval theologians and inquisitors. Starting out since the mid-15th century, thousands of women of all ages have been sentenced to death for this crime. Many accused were tortured until they confessed their sinful act. Church Fathers were sure that those who entered sexual relations with the Prince of Darkness immediately became witches. IN historical chronicles preserved data on some processes. So, in 1485, inquisitor for sexual relations with the devil the Italian city of Como sent 41 women to the bonfire. In 1628 in Bonn, three sisters of 12.11 and 8 years were tried. They are claimed to have had sexual intercourse with demons. Naturally their executed, but this did not end there. A year later, more than 300 children were sent to the stake on a similar charge. By the way, the inquisitors were curious and tried to learn from interrogations from the defendants are all under even sex organ of the devil, about the sensation experienced by a woman from copulation etc. Moreover, various descriptions served in the eyes of the judges proof of the new tricks of the devil, who knew how to diversify their temptations. In any case, a famous psychologist, psychotherapist the highest category Evgeny Tarasov, who studied the mysterious for many years phenomenon, I am sure that this is not so. In his practice, there were cases when unexplained sexual abnormalities were virtually the only a factor that violates the normal life of women, and the reason prompted them to consult a specialist. For example, more recently to he was turned energetic, not prone to any emotional violations of the person who successfully worked in the publishing business. She told an amazing story. At the beginning of September last year friends persuaded her to get out for a couple of days from town to village. The mushroom season began. The lady knew how to navigate in any unfamiliar forest, and boldly plunged into the thicket. In search and hunting excitement, she did not notice how it began to get dark. Sitting on a stump take a break, the woman looked around to understand which side the village remained. And suddenly, from behind the nearby bushes, inaudibly appeared the figure of a man in a strange cloak, like a military cloak. A woman the stranger’s appearance didn’t scare. Rather pleased -will be someone ask for directions. But before she could utter a word, a man threw back the hood, and appeared before her … a long-time, once ardently beloved man who perished in the Caucasus in the mid-90s. Lady and then not scared, but simply amazed. A hot wave of joy overtook her and pain. She tried to speak, to ask something, but her throat spasms were intercepted, it became difficult to breathe. It seemed like something loved says, holding out her hands to her, but what – she did not understand. Photo from open sources Suddenly from his head, or rather from his eyes, a beam of unusual light purple rays erupted. Then she felt incredible sexual pleasure and for some the moment “disconnected.” And when she came to, she was surprised realized that she no longer sits on a stump, but walks through the forest and through trees twinkle rare village lights. This patient is sure Tarasov was absolutely healthy and did not suffer from neurosis. It looks like in her life a miracle just happened – a meeting with a long gone, once beloved person! Experts believe that meeting people with loved ones, gone to another world, most often occur in the dark or in twilight. And mainly when a person is in a special the state between sleep and wakefulness, which psychologists call “hypnoid.” Plunging into it, you can revive the memories of a long time past events that normally reproduce impossible. It is at such moments, consider parapsychologists, it is likely to establish a relationship with astral world. At this level there are many different entities. and spirits, most of which are far from always related to friendly person. For own energy recharge they force women to join with them intimate relationship because sexual energy is one of the most powerful. This phenomenon goes back centuries. Some facts of sexual harassment of women are not | led entities which I often watched as the devil, received wide fame. The victims themselves said that some “unclean” achieved the desired, being in the image of a loved one or husband (often deceased). Thus, according to researchers, the reason for such visits was strong, unsatisfied need for a specific man, this energy attracted the unknown entities and gave them the necessary food. By the way, sexual contacts with astral “aggressors” can still be explained until the end the phenomenon of the so-called false pregnancy. Specialists know cases when women suddenly, for no objective reason, menstruation ceases, begins the abdomen grows, symptoms of toxicosis occur, perverts appetite, swelling of the chest – that is, there are all signs of pregnancy. Nine months later, on time, everything ends. “labor pains”, only without subsequent birth a newborn. But perhaps he just has nowhere to come from if “conception” did not come from man, but from the astral spirit? More Moreover, few people know that a false pregnancy can (although rather rarely) occur even in men. For example, in the XVIII century this unique phenomenon was recorded in one of the Serbian kings. If we talk about women, then a false pregnancy suffered the English queen Maria Tudor, Josephine Beauharnais – the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte and, finally, already at the beginning of the XX century – Serbian Queen Draga. And among our contemporaries from this the phenomenon suffered the famous supermodel Cindy Crawford as well Princess of Monaco Carolyn. Sexual Assault Reactions Astral beings in different women are noticeably different. Alone not they hide that they feel pleasure, and do not want from it refuse. Others are sincerely suffering and are struggling get rid of the otherworldly rapist. To help the victims astral attack, parapsychologists and psychics use the method dream programming. For this it is necessary: ​​before go to bed, relax, focus on what want to see in a dream, and as bright as possible to visualize these images. And after waking up, be sure to record the contents of the night visions. However, women who are tormented by astral beings, often prefer to ask for intercession from god. Believers may resort to prayers from evil spirits and demons. Church also recommends the following methods of protection: 1) to confess; 2) overshadow themselves with a sign of the cross; 3) offer a prayer to the Virgin Mary; 4) change the place of residence; 5) seek the help of holy people; Often helps to read the prayer “Our Father” and sprinkling ourselves holy water. Butcher, psychic, occultist: – Sex in half asleep with the participation of other entities today occurs more often than earlier. The nature of the phenomenon may be different. So, between others spouses or lovers in life are established so powerful energy ties that after the death of one of the partners really there is an energy corridor along which he continues return to earthly love. And besides, sex involves incredibly strong energy. Therefore, not only dark, but also light entities sometimes come to people for the purpose of mutual exchange energies. If a person suffers from it, feels the need to get rid of hateful relationships, it is better to do this with a professional. But often it’s impossible to invade such relationships, destroy them because they are positive and essential for both parties. “Line of Fate” 2012

Life Psychics

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