In the attic of the American woman a secret guest lived, whom she took for a ghost

In the attic of the American woman secretly lived a guest whom she mistook for a ghostA photo from open sources

A resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, whose name the journalists did not disclose for security reasons, began to notice in the last few weeks strange activity in own house. In the home, women suddenly began to move with places in place objects, the toilet seat turned up, like and much more was happening, just unbelievable. However occurred it is only in the absence of our heroine. Puzzled American seriously worried that she got a real a ghost, albeit not showing up and not scaring anyone.

The woman’s next find was a dilapidated blanket in the attic, which she definitely did not leave there. There was a pile nearby old clothes, linen and other rags, so you would think that the blanket itself “got out” of this heap and shifted to a few meters on the floor. Now the mistress of the house is not only worried, but also scared. However, refer to law enforcement or researchers of supernatural phenomena she then did not dare.

The moment of truth came about a week after the above finds in the attic. Now the woman heard among daylight noise from there and, armed with a golf club, decided to go check what is happening in her house. Going upstairs our heroine suddenly saw there Kary Kokazzi – her an ex-boyfriend who treated her very badly and refused to part. Due to the American complaints to the police, he received restraining order from a judge to leave the girl alone.

The document states that if Kokazi comes closer to his a former girlfriend at a distance of several hundred meters, he will held accountable. Carey, as it turned out, not only not complied with a court order, but also secretly lived under a woman’s roof as a “ghost”, taking advantage of the benefits of a housewife in her lack of. When our heroine discovered a man, he tried grab her, but did not catch up. Having run outside, the American immediately I knocked on the neighbors and asked them to call the police.

Arriving law enforcement officers inspected the house and found Kokazzy hiding under the same pile of rags in the attic. His charged with illegal entry into someone else’s home, theft, failure to comply with the restraining order and attempted attack. Violator claims to be homeless and having no other exit, secretly from his ex-girlfriend huddled in her house. Maybe, forensic psychiatric examination will reveal his problems with mental health. But the main thing is that this is not a ghost, and that with this “poltergeist” in the United States know how to fight …

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