In the Buryat store photographed phantom Cossacks

In the Buryat store photographed by a phantom of the CossackPhoto from open sources

A resident of the village of Nizhny Sayantuy, Tarbagatai district of the Republic Buryatia claims to have photographed a ghost in the back room local store. In the picture (see below) we can clearly see female silhouette. Ksenia and her friends are convinced that we are talking about the ghost of a Cossack girl, because in former times on the site of this villages were inhabited by Cossacks.

According to the girl, she recently acquired a new mobile and decided to test his camera in the workplace. Buryatka secluded in the back of the grocery store and started doing random pictures of the room. Looking at the pictures there, Ksenia suddenly noticed on one of them a human silhouette, resembling a woman in a long dress and with a scarf on her head. But in there was no one near the saleswoman during the shooting!

No one even suspected that a native from that Sveta. Point of sale priest or psychic did not, because the phantom does not harm anyone. However, a new gadget Ksenia soon failed, and the girl had to exchange him for guarantees. Buryatka suspects that the cause of the breakdown was precisely ominous photo taken on the phone camera. Fortunately no other troubles caused by meeting with a ghost, with Xenia no longer happening. But to shoot at least something in the store she now flatly refuses …

A photo from open sources

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