In the infamous Kachkanar apartment photographed a ghost

A ghost was photographed in the infamous Kachkanar apartmentA photo from open sources

In the Russian city of Kachkanar, located in Sverdlovsk area, an amazing picture was taken. Supposed that he belongs to the deceased boy who died in a fire in this apartment.

On May 10 of this year, in Kachkanar, the real tragedy. In one of the apartments there was a fire, and began the fire claimed the lives of two babies. Now at the scene was a mysterious frightening figure similar to smirking child.

The author of the picture is an anonymous user of social VKontakte network. The photo, according to her, was taken precisely in the infamous apartment where the children died. Charred furniture and burnt wallpaper on the walls really says that here there was a fire.

If you look closely at the ajar cabinet in the photo, then inside you can see a low translucent silhouette, similar to little boy. Many users of the World Wide Web, those who studied the mysterious figure came to the conclusion that this is a ghost one of the burned children. Moreover, on the face of the ghost, it seems the evil grin is visible, which frightened many commentators.

According to the author, the photograph was not exposed to any processing in addition to lightening. A social network user reports that I would never come up with such stories on the basis of such terrible tragedy, because it is a terrible sin.


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