A resident of Kachkanar, photographing her relatives, captured in the background an unfamiliar girl, over whom hovering strange object – as if a person, but very tall and without legs. Photo from open sources A woman tells what she did this summer shot on a cell phone in the area of the Palace of Culture. When she subsequently reviewed the photo, she saw an incomprehensible a silhouette in the distance that circled over a stranger. – First I doubted the hoax, but then realized that there something is really wrong – this silhouette is absolutely nowhere to take. For example, no monuments or any structures on There is no road in this section. This object cannot be a human either, because he has no legs. Now, the author of the picture admits, she very worried about a stranger – “suddenly the phantom is harbinger of something. “Nizhny Tagil parapsychologist and medium Valentina Sirotkina also shares the opinion about a possible phantom or ghost. According to her, these are objects invisible to the eye, having energy shell and repeating the shape of a person. – The man himself unknowingly creates phantoms for himself that feed on his energy. Good or bad, it depends on the people, but these phenomena cannot disappear on their own, because not themselves created, ”explains Valentina Alexandrovna. Phantom, she said appears due to the imagination of a person representing himself in different situations. In the worst case, he survived stressful situation, disaster or grief and constantly mentally returns to that moment. For example, having suffered a serious illness, recalls your condition, hospital ward and procedures.
A photo from open sources
– In fact, he sends his copy to the place where he was badly. Therefore, hospitals, places of mass death, morgues, cemeteries flooded with phantoms of people, she says. Experts on her According to him, the phenomenon of phantom pain is also being studied. For example, when after amputation of limbs, a person can still feel leg – it hurts or itches. – Well, probably we are nothing see. Otherwise, the psyche may simply not stand it. Though such phenomena exist for a short time, but should not be put them in negative and send them to places where they happened troubles because it harms energy. The only thing, you need to try not to think about the bad, – advises Valentine. Rector of the Kachkanar Orthodox Parish Father Gennady I’m sure that you shouldn’t attach serious importance to such things – it could be a photo effect. – Although I believe in the existence of phantoms and ghosts. I believe that if we still cannot fully to know the material world, it’s a spiritual mystery for us in general. And if a phantom still exists in a person, then you need to figure out the nature of its origin. The spiritual indicator is the human heart, therefore, you must first analyze yourself, ”says the priest. By According to him, if a person experiences a sense of peace, peace and joy, then this phantom is a good thing. And vice versa, if a person experiencing anxiety and fear, then the phenomenon of demonic origin. It’s also possible that this is a guardian angel the man who came to support him and save him from any of fate, says the abbot of the Orthodox parish. – If a person doubts that the phantom came not in peace, then you need to consecrate your housing or come to confession. People in their lives have a lot commit, but some of them do not give their actions any meanings, think that everything has long been forgotten. But villainy can come back even after 20 years. May God let such phenomena, reminding man to remember his sin and repented. In any case, you need to come to church, – says father Gennady.