In the picture of Picasso outlines a ghost?

A photo from open sources

Under the canvas layer of the famous painting by Pablo Picasso “Blue room “, which is located in Washington, experts discovered mysterious image. High-tech scans showed that the scene of a bathing woman was painted on top of a portrait of an unknown men / The painting that Picasso created in Paris in 1901, located in 1929 in the Phillips collection. First suspicions that the canvas is hiding a secret, appeared due to smears that do not quite match the visible the stage. Strange brush strokes were first described by restorers in 1954. year, but then this strangeness was not paid due attention. IN 1990s specialists at the National Gallery of Art with X-rays found a fuzzy structure in the canvas. And in 2008 researcher Favero and her colleagues photographed a picture with using an infrared sensitive camera that allows you to fix the rays that are not accessible to human vision. The camera contains the so-called indium gallium arsenide sensor. This same technology used by the military for night vision and remote sounding terrain and objects. Received images confirmed the hunch that the painting “Blue Room” was written as a pigment. Under the upper layers of the canvas infrared photos revealed a clear image of a bearded a man wearing a suit with a bow tie. This head a man props up with his hand, on the fingers of which three rings are depicted. The portrait of a man looks very mysterious and somewhat gloomy, like a ghost. In order to get a general image of the portrait, Favero took about 300 photos. She took a picture of each detail of the picture, and then like puzzles assembled from them a single whole. However, unfortunately, the identity of this person is still a riddle. Favero and her colleagues ruled out several options, including including a self portrait or an image of an artist’s art dealer who appears in another portrait of Picasso. Also, still not it is clear why Picasso decided to paint over this mysterious portrait. Perhaps the artist simply did not like his work, or the moment he urgently needed canvas for his new painting. Or maybe Is there really any secret in this portrait? It turns out that many other Picasso paintings also contain hidden Images. For example, specialists from the Cleveland Museum of Art found that Picasso substantially reworked the composition of the picture “A life”. And in 1989, under the paint coat of the painting “Ironwoman” discovered a portrait of a mustachioed man.

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