In the village of Butor of the Grigoriopol district of Transnistria wound up drummer. For several months now, in the houses of the villagers strange and frightening things: the furniture itself lights up, the dishes move, and someone unknown turns the icons, hanging on the walls. Tricks of a drummer or, scientifically, poltergeist began in the winter. The locals first waited while abnormal phenomena in the houses will stop, and then they turned for help wherever they could – to priests, firefighters, journalists. In an rural house for some reason, there are cases spontaneous combustion Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
A resident of a house in the village of Butor said that once, being at home, I felt a strong smell of burning. When she went in the room, then I saw that the pillow was burning. In this case, no one in the room did not have. While the woman was putting out the pillow, the next room flashed sofa.
Lids jumped off these bottles Photos from open sources
Needless to say, the room was also empty … The next day strange things started at all: with tightly closed bottles by themselves jumping off covers, hanging icons someone turned over faces to the wall, and after a while in the house for an incomprehensible the reason a strong fire broke out.
Someone flips icons Photos from open sources
All furniture and clothes burned, but the wiring on which they sinned firefighters, remained intact and, as it turned out later, turned out to be serviceable. Therefore, after inspecting the scene of the incident, the fire fighters, sure that the cause of the fire is a short circuit, seriously thought about it.
One day there was a fire Photos from open sources
Gennady Polishchuk, inspector of fire station No. 9, said that, on his gaze was an abnormal phenomenon. But in the official record he I could not write about it. In the neighboring house also occur mysterious fires. Residents tell how in the corner of the house suddenly a fire broke out.
People at a loss Photos from open sources
While they put it out, right in front of frightened people on the table the lamp turned over and the tablecloth lit up. Now the villagers They are afraid to sleep and try to spend most of the day outdoors. A resident of the house with a poltergeist: – We have already shaking hands and feet out of fear.
To help the bewildered inhabitants of “enchanted” houses came local clergyman.
– In my practice, it’s not very common to meet with such things. Here we try with the forces that we have – said father Sergius.
Fire appeared in this corner
A photo from open sources
The owners of the house noted that the house was consecrated twice, but oddities continue.
Now the residents of the village of Butor do not know what to do next – to run nowhere, moving takes money and time, and mysterious fires going on.
Time Fires