In Yekaterinburg, a ghost nightmares a restaurateur. Video

A photo from open sources

Evil rock haunts the building in the very center of Yekaterinburg. Behind In recent years, at the corner of Anton Valek and Zhukov, several times already opened, and then for some unknown reason closed restaurants Concepts are changing, but the result is one – institutions cease to pay off, and the owner is forced to sell the premises. what the fault is bad food, karma, or a real ghost, which lives in the building for a long time and does not give rest as visitors, so the staff? About this in the material agency EAN. At this moment the room at the address of Anton Valek, 15 is empty. Used to be there there was a restaurant “Vatel”, which closed in September 2011. Then owner Alexei Nagorny blamed French workers for everything consulates. According to him, he was offended by the refusal to issue a visa to him and to his wife. Then the owner opens another restaurant, this time Italian – “Paganini”. However, he did not cause much enthusiasm. public, as a result of which he was quickly covered up. As a result, appeared Cantina bar “Chianti”, but it also closed, as it was not profitable. Former employees of the institution say: the problem was not at all bad cooking or decoration. The fact is that the staff regularly observed a real supernatural phenomenon. One of the workers even filmed in a video how a certain one appeared in the toilet a white substance that quietly moved in the air. The man assures: video recording is not editing.

According to another employee, Alexander, at this place earlier there was a cemetery. And this fully explains the regular occurrence. poltergeist in various guises. “I know that when it was built building – something bad happened here. They say that there was a cemetery, so it’s likely that someone’s walking around the building restless soul. When a ghost appears in the room it becomes colder, the skin becomes goosebump, discomfort occurs. is he is in different guises: black silhouette, white spot. I am two years old I work here, and often see him. Because of him, we were heating up emotional atmosphere, conflicts arose in the team, “- the man complains. As another staff member explained, a ghost appeared from under the stairs near the wardrobe. To see him not everyone could, but the image on monitors and cameras of cell phones manifested itself quite clearly. Public expert in Yekaterinburg Andrei Startsev, who grew up in those places, says that in fact there was no cemetery in the area of ​​Anton Valek Street. But not it is possible that from the fortress, the border of which passed through the streets Weiner-Malyshev-Karl Liebknecht-Pervomaisky, dumped bodies dead people. There are enough riddles in the history of Yekaterinburg. Not the street of Anton Valek, which began to form in the first decades of the existence of Yekaterinburg, when beyond the northern city ​​gates began to appear residential buildings in the form of settlements. The building itself, in which the ghost appears, cannot have ancient and mysterious history: it appeared already in the twentieth century, and before that the territory of the intersection of Bolshaya Syezdaya streets (Valeka) and Fetisov (Yeltsin) was empty for unknown reasons. “This is what it was called – the cold side (Studeny – previously the name Zhukov streets). For some reason they didn’t build there. Of course you can suggest that territory was neglected due to cold winds, however, Chelyuskintsev Street, which was called Severnaya and was no less “cold,” built up. So it’s not at all the climate, ” notes the interlocutor. However, when to a wasteland in the very center the Ural capital still paid attention, another began the problem is long-term construction. What is one Obkomovsky house, construction which could not continue for 10 years from the moment of bookmark foundation. The reasons for the downtime of the construction of such a demand buildings are still not known to this day. The expert does not exclude that cellars of a former restaurant hide any bloody secrets of the times atrocities and mass executions of the NKVD. Such places in the city abundant, and not yet identified by researchers. However There is no historical confirmation of these facts. But the whole Yekaterinburg well remembers how directly opposite the long-suffering at home, at the intersection of Valek-Zhukov in the dashing nineties of several machine guns shot the famous criminal authority Oleg Vagin and his bodyguards. If at least for a second to admit the existence of the other world, it is possible that they restless souls prevent the restaurateur from flourishing in the neighborhood. However, time will tell: perhaps after the room is sold, the ghost will leave its place, and the new owner things will go uphill.

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