In Zimbabwe, women are in a panic from invisible goblins

In Zimbabwe, women are in a panic from invisible goblinsPhoto from open sources

Goblins here are called invisible entities that in civilized countries are called poltergeist. Moreover, these goblins (we will call phantom formations as is customary local African people) have been harassing the inhabitants of this a small country located in southern Africa.

For example, in 2013 in Zimbabwe, even for some time there were rural schools closed as goblins began to terrorize children in them, and one baby was even beaten to death. From these invisible entities not only ordinary people suffer here, whom could be blamed for superstition and ignorance, but also the cops, that is, the power structure of the country. They frankly admit reporters, including European ones, that these goblins do not have no living. Local authorities even ask European clergy, sorcerers, and clergy help since blacks shamans cannot cope with this evil.

Recently, according to, a surge in goblin activity is observed in the Cordray Park area, where these insidious and evil entities began to attack now mainly on women sneaking into bed at night. And all this gained mass epidemic. As the chief says local police since last year, goblin rapists have become a real disaster for their area of ​​Zimbabwe, because of them being destroyed families, the female population suffers from teenage girls and to deep old women, what the hell happens is that in all public of life.

We suggest you watch a video in which one of the residents talks about the goblin who got so sick at night that she had to leave my own house. And although the record is in the local language, to understand what this woman says is not difficult, since she literally screams – about the most painful.

At this time, the population of Cordray Park is already thinking about how to collect from each resident of this region a dollar so that these money to hire goblin hunters. It turns out there are some for example, Wafa-Wafas confessors deal with such problems. from the Zion Church of South Africa. Hunters, as local people explain residents, drive away the main goblin, leader, the rest go for him. Now the goblins are allegedly led by a leader named Mike Magobol. Just do not think that this poltergeist himself is so calls. Goblins are as invisible as ghosts in European homes, disembodied and voiceless, everything else they attributed by the people themselves suffering from these entities who are not despite their invisibility, they can inflict quite physical inconvenience, pain, suffering, or even death bring a person …

Africa Time

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