Incubus and Succubus

Incubus – the so-called evil spirits in medieval Europe, who visited women at night and had sex with them. Word “incubus” comes from the Latin “incubar”, which means “recline.” By the way, the name was formed from the same word “incubator” for breeding chickens but to pranks-incubators the incubator, of course, has nothing to do. In the old books say incubus is fallen angels, male demons, seducing women in a dream. Photo from open sources One of the first theories of incubation was Bishop of Paris, Guillaume of Auvergne (1180-1249) – It was in the XII century interest in this issue has grown sharply. Guillaume claimed that demons not capable of full sexual relations, but skillfully create the illusion of those, and sperm while stealing on the side. How they do it, the learned priest does not explain (perhaps valuable Succubi shares a sisterly product with incubi having obtained it from your lovers?). Stolen incubus seed then “blown into the female womb.” As proof of his version, the bishop refers to some Portuguese witches pregnant like him claimed from the wind. Here one involuntarily recalls a joke from the series “Armenian radio”: “Can a girl get pregnant from dust? – Maybe if the dust is a pillar, “but also the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. protocols of the holy inquisition with amazing constancy mentions sexual intercourse of interrogated women with Satan or with one of his deputies. In Witch’s Hammer – Unique manual of medieval demonology, compiled in 1487 Heinrich Institoris and Jacob Sprenger, says: “… such a woman who is part of the kingdom of the devil gets her special trait for love. He arranges a wedding with her, while others at the same time have fun. This trait often visits her, enters into sexual relations with her relationship, sometimes orders her to do this or that evil … ” It is important to note that many women firmly believed that they really entered into a love affair with the devil and were in marital union with him. Of course, you can’t trust the testimony obtained under torture in the dungeons of the Inquisition, but nonetheless amazing amazing uniformity of these readings, even coinciding in detail and practically unchanged for several centuries of domination of a secret church court By the 16th century, the church defined its policy. Confessions obtained under torture provided a lot of information about sexual intercourse with the “devil.” Betraying himself as a witch in Scotland in the 1660s years, Isabelle Gowdy said: “The devil was cold inside me like spring water. “It’s hard to determine if its story was clear. imagination, and also why she confessed to her. Anyway, but Isabela died because of her While the witches in her testimony during interrogation under torture in the holy Inquisition unanimously noted the coldness of sperm poured out by incubi, demonologists broke heads over how to overcome the following contradiction: if the seed cold and, strictly speaking, already unsuitable for conception, why are the incubus partners still getting pregnant? As a result, the following thesis: “Demons move so fast that the seed does not have time finally cool. “That is, stibril somewhere a couple of grams – and rash under the blanket to the woman you love. One foot here, the other there Many prominent figures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance were considered the offspring of incubus and women. Among them – the commander Dttila, the legendary wizard of Merlin. Great Reformer Church Catholics-papists also called Martin Luther the son of the incubus (however, he himself considered the Pope to be the Antichrist). By the way, and Antichrist can be called a son of an incubus. Though raise it here – a Jewish girl from the Dan clan did not conceive him from some ordinary demon, but from Satan himself. Succubi Except seducers-incubus, there was evil spirits of a female, seducing men, especially monks, elders, hermits. These creatures were called not incubuses, but succubi or succubi – from the Latin word “succubar” – “lie under something.” There are also numerous legends about the tricks of these alluring creatures. It was believed that a person can cohabit with a succubus for a long time and, in general, in peace and harmony (which cannot be said of the much more windy incubuses). For instance, the priest Benoit Berne, who became the witcher and burned at the stake in eighty years old, admitted at interrogations that he lived with a succubus named Hermione for forty years, with the demon remaining invisible to others. In stories of married life with succubi from the time of the early Middle Ages from different peoples to all frets varies the legend of the fairy succubus Melusin. In outline its meaning is this: the hero meets a girl of extraordinary beauty, who becomes his wife and gives him wonderful offspring. But then a spouse tormented by curiosity violates a certain imposed a wife’s ban, which can be very diverse – not spy on a bathing wife, do not look at her in specific day of the week, etc. The husband still looks and, oh, horror sees his beauty in the image of a dragon, or a snake, or a siren (half-women half-women). After that, she disappears for good, and a single father with many children sheds bitter tears. Well, what is not a fairy tale about princess – the frog. Formal science adheres to the following point. view on incubates and succubi: As you know, in a period of prolonged sexual abstinence namely pollutions are natural compensatory mechanism that promotes periodic emptying the pathways and preventing stagnation in the genital organs. Therefore, the more severe abstinence – the more often pollutions and the accompanying erotic dreams, the more intrusive become caresses of incubus and succubus. We deal with overflow erotic experiences in erotic dreams are all the more pronounced than stronger experiences. Only national features of the poetic consciousnesses give the hero of these dreams the appearance of a fiery serpent, then wonderful incubus. But always, is this approach consistent reality. I will present you some modern cases, told by a ufologist from Volzhsky G. Belimov: “After going to the light of my book “Connected – Other Worlds”, which details talked about unusual contacts, including sexual, occurring with Tatyana Anatolyevna V., turned to me a resident of the city of Volzhsky and asked to meet with her daughter, which is going on a similar story. My daughter was 34 years old, on account of four unsuccessful marriages, there is a son of 13 years, but in in fact, personal life does not add up. Mother believes it is because a creature that her daughter does not leave as a sexual partner. FROM since then for several years I have been up to date with Rimma – let’s call this young woman. It turned out that for the first time Rimma felt an outside presence at the age of 17, shortly after she began dating men. She was and to this day remains quite interesting and sociable woman, and knows how to please men. But first, it should be noted that Rimma from childhood had some special qualities: she often and with pleasure flew in dreams. Moreover, dreams were flights diverse, sometimes in completely unfamiliar places, as if on another planet, and most often over water. Often flights were provoked by chases preceding them – she was fleeing some terrible creatures, and then already flew. Nightmares repeated quite often. But she liked the flights so much that “I wanted to cry with happiness.” Another feature was that sometimes in these dreams she fell … well, say, into the afterlife. I saw mainly my dead grandmother and some others relatives, but not only. Someone had to die somewhere, and this the deceased could appear in her dreams. So Viktor Tsoi came to her, Talkov, Vysotsky, the deceased bridegroom of her friend and other people, sometimes previously unknown to her. With a deceased grandmother, Rimma often communicates. That talking to her, showing her house, a two-story cottage, beautiful trees nearby. Once flew by and saw that grandmother dances in her garden and sings songs. That is, “there” she completely happy. About sexual contacts with a foreign being of Rimma relates: When Someone comes, she spreads on her back chills and goosebumps. She feels the footsteps of the bed misses when he lies down beside him. No matter how she lay, Someone Climbs from the back, she does not see him. In these moments she takes possession of numbness, she cannot, for example, roll over from her stomach, look at him. He says that she only once managed to overcome in fear and looked around when he left the bed. I saw whitish substance resembling a human silhouette. Everything is slurred but the eyes are supposedly very beautiful, large and expressive. once I saw his hand when he laid it in front of me, – recalled she. – Normal male hand, thin hair is clearly visible, hand cool. I tried to turn around, but he pressed on his shoulder, not giving a look. He removed his hand. Sexual intercourse always happens only in position from the back. Feels weight as a normal large man. On the assumption that she dreams of all this, and physical there is virtually no presence; Rimma actively objects, because that all the accompanying sounds – creaking beds, breathing, noise – all this saved. But with husbands such meetings did not occur. Usually the creature came when her husband went to work early in the morning, and her I had to get up later. Sexual intercourse has always ended in orgasm, and Rimma noticed that she regulates the onset of orgasm and achieves it when he wants: either soon, or long in time. It is as if a creature guesses or knows its physiology. Rimma firmly declares that pleasure receives from a foreign being significantly sharper and better than from earthly men. Although not from earthly refuses and regrets that her marriages or courtship break up. He believes that the first marriage did not break up due to a relationship with a foreign substance. A the following – yes, perhaps therefore: I felt discomfort, dissatisfaction when involuntarily comparing partners. True and men strangely did not hold near her. For example, for these years, several meetings were interrupted due to the fact that with her partners were some force majeure circumstances. Then u someone all flew to tartarara with work, with earnings, then one robbed an apartment, then some serious illness, then arrest and clarification of relations with the police. Someone was drinking … No stories repeated, but no longer seemed random. She went with her mom according to the healers and sorcerers, they determined at Rimma “the crown of celibacy”, they assured that they would remove it or removed it, but despite the costs, Rimma still alone. It is also curious that in the Rimma family for a long time the dogs she loves to madness do not live. They all died under different circumstances. And then they all come to her in dreams. therefore she believes that dogs also have a soul. And her beloved puppy is not only dreams, but sometimes comes to her at night and lies down at her feet as laid down during life. She feels the heaviness of the dog, his breath … At her first dog, for no reason, the bones began to collapse. is he all crumbled, could not get up. The second dog was handsome, but with defect, could not speak at exhibitions. He’s gone somewhere, but, judging by the fact that he comes in dreams, he apparently died. Third dog hit the car as an adult. Rimma does not exclude that dogs destroys a creature from another world. Why? “See me over the dog I’m shaking, I love him – that means he needs to be removed. “Now she’s not dogs turns out of pity for animals. After conversations with me and mine Rimma’s request tried to enter into a verbal conversation with the creature, although she, as a rule, did not succeed. When he once came under morning, she woke up as if from a jolt. Mentally asked, “Why are you are you coming? “I repeated twice. I heard him approach the bed, took a bottle of juice from the floor, drank it. Then he went out. She heard the clatter of the bottle, in the morning I saw that it was empty, through the eyelids I saw Dark silhouette at dusk of the room. It seems to him her curiosity didn’t like it. Again, he came to her only a few days later, even lay down on the bed, but did not enter into sexual contact. Once she I heard him quiet, hissing, as if through force, the words: “I am you I defend. It’s not for long. “From what it protects, and how to understand “for a short while,” if all this has been going on for 19 years, cannot answer. Communicates in Russian. Sometimes during intercourse hisses, whispers to her ear: “Rimma, Rimmula …” If it happened to be a kiss on the ear, then it’s like it freezes, temporarily loses sensitivity, although the body itself it is not cold and does not cause any discomfort. On my questions frankly answered some features of these contacts, as far as the situation allowed to talk about “eye to eye”. TO for example, she doesn’t have to undress, since she has been sleeping in childhood one nightgown, and in the summer generally naked. Usually sleeping on his stomach. Not afraid to get pregnant, because it uses a spiral, but if got pregnant, would like to see whom she will give birth to from this creature, because “interesting.” Doesn’t feel the partner’s seminal fluid although there may be some small discharge. Confidently talking about materiality of the hand that she herself saw, but whether he materializes all – does not know. Cannot turn around when he leaves. Her right away takes a dream. However, it loses energy, and a lot. After the night gets up weakened, not enough sleep. The issue of “critical days” the creature understands, and does not come these days. Contact frequency hesitates. It happens once a month, but it happens several times in a week. Once, after she had been staying with her for a month, her devout brother, two or three months did not come, but then he appeared, and that’s all continues to the present. Interestingly, moving from the north, where their family used to live, did not affect their relationship. They are not interrupted, the creature did not disappear anywhere, as if accompanying it, where whatever. But the initiative – to come or not to come – comes only from him. Her desires, including sexual ones, are hardly taken into account. To contact me Rimma was advised by her mother, Galina Alekseevna. In addition to her daughter’s celibacy, her health also worries her. Rimma with young years she received gastritis, which grew into an ulcer. there is fear that a cancerous tumor may develop or further deterioration of health. I suggested Rimma meet and take a course treatment at Volgograd healers who practice treatment for the method of academician MAI V.M. Privalovoy (post-exposure rehabilitation situations). However, Rimma refused for two reasons: she did not baptized and does not believe in God, and for treatment did not want to be baptized. The second reason: does not want to break the link with a foreign being, because I’m used to it, and she likes sexual relations with him. They, by her said better and brighter than with men. Exacerbation of an ulcer now seems would not, but a strong allergy has emerged from the new sores. Possible the reason is the loss of energy, but in principle for our city “Big chemistry” allergic diseases are not surprising. I still stay informed about this situation, but extract more information, say by talking with the help of a woman that being is not it turns out. Rimma cannot overcome the stupor retardation in relations with him. Where does the creature come from? parallel world or, say, from the other world – remains obscure. However, in connection with her “astral travels”, one can to assume that her partner is a creature from the astral world, which we, researchers, know very, very approximately. Of Archive of Valentin Goltz, an expert of the newspaper Anomaly, I learned about a similar one-time incident with a certain Galina Andreevna (according to the original recording – Galina Andreevna Borzova. – M. G.) of St. Petersburg. A similar story happened to her in March 1982. of the year. She says that she was visiting a friend, went to bed at two nights. I woke up from a strange sound, as if on glass something metallic. “Suddenly I felt, – I quote, – that, starting from the feet, something heavy began to fall on me, press down. On the wall, against the background of the carpet, I saw how it found friable a shadow, and on my back lies a figure with a big head and a wide with your back. And suddenly the act began. My fear suddenly passed, since you do it, then be kind … The feeling was beautiful. Much more better than with an earthly being. Then there was a feeling that me wrapped in warmth, bliss and affection. Then the shadow and heaviness began as if to evaporate, from the sides to the middle of the back. Stiffness has disappeared neck, head, arms. No fear, no stiffness. I sat on the bed stunned, thinking whether I dreamed or not. But the feeling was very real, still not a dream. Girlfriend deeply asleep nearby, not even moved. I have never seen erotic dreams before. Later told her mom. She said what happened to her in her youth was twice. “(Anomaly No. 20, 1997) We see that, not speaking, both women talk about the same feelings in contact with unknown creatures. According to other evidence the victims also have an identical picture. If remember ancient traditions, prayers for protection from sexual aggression of certain spirits, descriptions of succubuses and incubuses, you can to conclude that representatives of some other world are often have undertaken and continue to have sex with earthlings. These creatures are humanoid and most likely have functionally close methods of reproduction and sexual relations. Unable to describe these creatures, I at least state them presence, which means I also state evidence of other worlds and other intelligent life. ”

Time Life Health Snake Dogs

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