Irish trucker took off a ghost in the afternoon on busy road

An Irish trucker took a ghost in the afternoon on a busy roadA photo from open sources

Irish trucker George Furst from the city of Cork that located in the south-west of the country, returned on Wednesday, the thirtieth September, home. His truck was moving quietly along a busy road, however, approaching the tunnel, in front of him suddenly arose a mysterious figure that just as suddenly, after only a few instantly disappeared.

At first, the Irishman wanted to sharply press the brake, but then, seeing that there was no one in front, he continued to ride with the usual speed, considering that he just saw something.

Once at home, George remembered a strange incident on road and decided to view a recording from a car DVR. The man rewound the received video at the time near the entrance to the tunnel and was surprised to notice the mysterious a translucent silhouette that appeared in front of the car just on give me a sec.

Furst posted a frame with a frightening stranger on the Web and wrote: “This happened during the day, in sunny weather, and on a busy road. I since childhood I believe in ghosts and the afterlife, but I always it seemed that if I meet something like this in my lifetime, then it will happen at night in a cemetery or within the walls of some ancient castle. But it was definitely a ghost, I have no doubt. The figure appeared on the road very quickly and then immediately disappeared somewhere. I had to work for some time in video editor to get the sharpest frame. Take a look for yourself and tell me what is it? ”

The screenshot interested many lovers of the paranormal only in Ireland, but also in other countries. Some users The Internet felt that a strange figure looked like a plump woman in swimsuit, others suggested that this is a ghost of a low bearded grandfather. One commenter writes: “I know this place. It is near the tributary of the Thames Lee. This tunnel often happens accident. Perhaps the author managed to capture the spirit of a certain person, who died in one of these car crashes. ”

However, almost all World Wide Web visitors agreed that all kinds of ghosts, as the practice of fixing them on modern digital equipment do not appear among living people only at night, and not only in cemeteries …

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