Is it true that cats see ghosts

Is it true that cats see ghosts?A photo from open sources

The fact that animals are more susceptible to natural phenomena than people known for a long time. They feel the approach of natural disasters change of weather, as well as the presence of creatures that a person does not sees. For example, brownies. Or ghosts. Easiest is observe cats as they are often nearby with us.

Do cats see ghosts? Background

People have endowed cats with special abilities from the moment how the Egyptians first managed to tame them. No wonder this animal, whose initial task was only to to protect barns with grain from mice, eventually turned into subject of worship in Egypt. There has been a cult for a long time cats, and today they continue to be revered.

In ancient times, it was believed that cats possess magical abilities, in particular, can relieve pain in the host (if friendly with him), and also see another world hidden from people by a layer reality. This was partly due to the mysterious ability of cats to see in pitch darkness, which people have always been denied. Also eyes Cats glow in the dark and in photographs. Although it was found the scientific explanation, the mystical, also has not lost its power – well a beast with such unusual eyesight cannot itself see anything unusual.

How to understand that cats see ghosts

Watching their pets, people century after century noted changes in their behavior. Based on these observations we can conclude that when near the cat is ghost or brownie, she begins to behave unusually. In particular, you can notice how she is:

– arches his back, raises his tail up and snorts, turning to the place where nobody is there;

– Looks at one point for a long time without making attempts to it get closer;

– suddenly begins to hiss and headlong runs out of the room;

– never approaches a certain place in the house – this there may be some kind of corner or piece of furniture, for example, a closet or sofa.

How to behave to the owners of the cat in this situation? Because the it’s hard to make out who the cat, the brownie or the ghost sees, no action is recommended. Try not to do it yourself go to the place that the cat does not like, do not put furniture there. A in order to appease the brownie, put him for the night a platter with a treat.

Wanting to take advantage of the cat’s unusual abilities, some the owners take the animal to a conversation with the spirits or the ritual of divination. Should not be doing that. Or the cat’s behavior will frighten away the spirit, or the spirit will scare the cat to death. Anyway, you from the session it will only be distracting.

Cat time

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