Latvian photographed an unpleasant ghost in the window

Latvian photographed an unpleasant ghost in the windowA photo from open sources

The inhabitant of the Latvian Daugavpils claims that he succeeded shoot a real ghost. Photojournalist Martins Otto tells that he walked around the city on December 4 and ended up in a certain moment on Nometnu Street, where it was somehow unusual calm and quiet. There, the attention of a man was attracted by an old empty building at number 21 with ominous dark windows. Our hero once photographed it and went on.

Subsequently, the Latvian processed the received images on a computer and, reaching the frame with an abandoned house, he noticed something suspicious in the window of a corner apartment on the second floor. Through the glass on the image looked creepy like a chubby face smiling man looking straight into the camera lens! Is it worth it to say that Otto was puzzled and even somewhat frightened such a discovery. According to the author of the photo, it was someone’s spirit.

A photo from open sources

Despite the terrible nature of this find, she was very intrigued man, and that night he was not too lazy to return to the old construction to film the alleged drummer again. TO Unfortunately, this time no people from the thin world on film not fixed. However, Daugavpilchanin is glad that he fortunate enough to crush a phantom in a daytime shot. Not every day manages to capture a piece of the other world in the photo.

A photo from open sources

It is worth noting that in the Baltic states of ghosts they photograph very infrequently. If you believe the rating, compiled in 2009 by the British Ghost community of supernatural researchers Harvester “, then Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia occupy some of the most low position by the number of ghosts captured in photos and videos. Whether the Balts are too pragmatic and do not particularly believe in mysticism, or guests from the other side do not particularly favor these countries and therefore materialize here as little as possible.

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