Leave the ghosts miserable

Leave the ghosts miserablePhotos from open sources Members of the British Society for Paranormal Research (British society of paranormal researches) told why some people are unable to see ghosts while others encounter phantoms several times a day. It turns out the case here it’s not in the innate susceptibility to the other world, as previously considered by many experts.

According to the head of the company, Berry Lenniks, much larger those who had in life have chances to meet ghosts some kind of tragedy. It could be the loss of a very close person, serious illness, experienced war or cataclysms. Such conclusions the British did not out of thin air – for this they have been for eight years studied by more than five thousand compatriots who announced meetings with the other world.

The results of the study amazed specialists. It turned out that each and every respondent went through their life various difficult tests. Moreover, the more tragic the misfortune, the stronger the door to the afterlife opened before a man. So Helen Reese from London, having lost three children in a car accident, sees them almost every day. Daniel Thorndike from Manchester, lost in an accident at work both legs hands, can watch the dark walk on the streets of his city ghostly figures. And the blinded Christina Jenkin from Cardiff, who crazy mother tortured for months, periodically hears a mysterious voice coming from the living room of her apartment.

Thus, if you have never met in life something inexplicable, do not be upset. Maybe you just don’t there was nothing so unpleasant that the ghosts themselves would wanted to seem to you. And hopefully it will never happen. Let ghosts go only to unhappy people …

A life

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