Little ghost photographed in New Orleans

Little ghost photographed in New OrleansA photo from open sources

Another photo received on the World Wide Web some time ago and showing, as it turned out, something unusual.

The user “Reddit” shared with other regulars on the site two pictures taken by him and his wife in 2012. Spouses rested in New Orleans and decided to visit the night “ghost tour” in places that, according to legend, are inhabited by people from Sveta.

One of these places was an old restaurant in the central part cities. The guide led the group to an empty staff room and reported that employees have a tradition of lighting here in the evenings a candle. They say that the spirit of one of its former inhabitants dwells in the institution. owners, and such an unusual ritual is necessary for prosperity a restaurant. Our hero and his wife simultaneously took pictures this room, and despite the fact that in the photo the men are not nothing unusual was captured, a picture of his wife shows one an interesting detail that the family noticed only now, after five years old, browsing your archive of photographs.

A photo from open sources

In the American photo received, a strange whitish an anomaly floating in the air directly to the table with a candle. Not not surprisingly, many commentators on “Reddit” handed down the following verdict: this is a small ghost! However, the author The publication turned out to be somewhat confused by such a conjecture. The thing is, that the guide of the “ghost tour” described the phantom of the former owner the restaurant is different. According to him, it is translucent full-length figure of a man who materializes on a chair near the table and sits there for a while, after which without a trace dissolves in air. However, you can not argue with the realities of the picture: maybe there’s more than one ghost in that old restaurant? ..


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